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48-hour bandh affects normal life in the Valley Districts of Manipur

by Rinku Khumukcham
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48-hour bandh affects normal life in the Valley Districts of Manipur

IT News
Imphal, Sept 19:

As valley districts remain in a chokehold of protests, thousands have risen in response to the 48-hour bandh (shutdown) called by the Meira Paibis and five local clubs. The scope of the mobilization is evident as communities across the region have effectively halted vehicular movement, standing united against perceived injustices.
The changing climate, with alternating bouts of relentless sun and torrential rain, hasn’t deterred the fervor of the protesters, with a significant number hailing from the Meira Paibis, who have taken to the streets with unwavering determination.
Central to the wave of dissent is the contentious detention of five village volunteers, who currently find themselves in police custody. Their arrest has not only raised eyebrows but also resulted in surging criticisms and widespread allegations of undue governmental intervention.
While speaking to Imphal Times in the precincts of Samushang, Imphal West, one female protester encapsulated the group’s resolute stance, stating, “Unless the Government aligns with Meira Paibis’ demands for the swift release of the detained village volunteers, our protests will only amplify.”
However, the protesters’ concerns are multi-pronged. Beyond the immediate demand for release, there is growing disillusionment with the Government’s perceived ineffectiveness in countering more substantial threats. Illustrating this sentiment, a protester from Keishamthong commented, “The Government’s apparent inability to arrest the Kuki militants, who continuously target the Meitei community, stands in stark contrast to their haste in detaining our youths who valiantly defend the Meitei.”
The concerns further intensified in Uripok. Another protester lamented the perceived political play by the central government amidst the escalating tensions. “The central government, if it genuinely wishes, can dissolve this conflict in a matter of days,” she expressed. She poignantly emphasized the relentless onslaught on the Meitei communities by alleged Kuki narco-terrorists, querying the government’s hesitance in revoking the SoO with Kuki factions, despite accumulating evidence of their transgressions against Meitei settlements.
Echoing a sentiment of collective disappointment, a demonstrator at Tera Bazar shared a similar concern: “While measures are implemented in the valley, aimed at disarming village defenders, there’s a conspicuous absence of analogous actions in Kuki-majority areas. Why does the alliance of central and state governments appear to sideline the Meitei community?”
Monday witnessed the Meira Paibis amplify their demonstration efforts blocking roads notably observed at strategic junctions, including Khurai and Kongba in Imphal East; Kakwa, Lamsang Bazar, Tera Bazar, and Naoremthong in Imphal West; Nambol in Bishnupur district, and several regions within the Thoubal district.
From the crack of dawn, protests began sealing off roads. The palpable tension led to a commercial shutdown across all valley districts. Marketplaces bore a deserted look, and the few travellers braving the roads were met with stern advisories, urging them to head back to their homes.
The arrest of five individuals by the Manipur Police fueled the ongoing protest in Manipur. These individuals, apprehended with sophisticated weaponry and dressed in camouflage uniforms, have further intensified the situation. As per an official statement by the police, these individuals were subsequently presented before a judicial magistrate and have since been remanded to police custody.
The call for the 48-hour bandh was bolstered earlier on 18 September by Yumnam Hitler, the president of the All Langthabal Kendra United Clubs Coordinating Committee. Emphasizing their civilian status, Hitler stated, “The arrested five are not militants but civilians – village volunteers who took it upon themselves to shield their communities from the threats posed by Kuki Zo militants, especially given the perceived inadequacies of the security forces.” Hitler’s call for their unconditional release was unambiguous, “If the government fails to heed our demands, the protests will only intensify.”
The current scenario underscores the profound distrust between sections of the public and the state machinery. As the valley districts reverberate with cries for justice, all eyes are on the Manipur Government and how it chooses to navigate this delicate situation.

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