By: R.Kamei, Dimapur
Ethnically, Zemei, Liangmei and Rongmei are the three conglomerate tribes having its own identity and culture. The Bible says human beings were created by God. The author of Pentateuch recordsthat human beings were scattered and multiplied into myriad ofraces after the cataclysmic event of Babel Tower.Scientific-Creationists have a simple explanation that all seven billion of human population today are the descendants of the three sons of Noah; Shem, Ham and Japheth. It is said people of Asia are the descendants of Shem;and Africans and Europeans are from the descendants of Ham and Japheth (Table of Nations (70): The International Standard Biblical Encyclopaedia). It was said these three brothers and their descendants had moved to different parts of the world, where according to Scientific-Creationists, normal process of producing genetic variation produced the diversity of races and nations we see today. It is said the appearances of all these varieties of humanity occurred within a few thousand years after the Noah’s flood and before the recorded history.Could we trace back when and where from the three tribesof Zeliangrong originated?
It was said that the three tribes ofZemei, Liangmei and Rongmei are of Mongolioid stock that inhabited the upper region of the Chinese rivers Yangtse and HowangHoand migrated towards Burma and then to present North East India etc, etc. According to recent postulation has to say that Zemei, Liangemi and Rongmei are the descendants of Hoi ( of Makuilongdi/Makhel,Senapati district of Manipur. Late Prof. Gangmumei Kamei, in his book, The History of the Zeliangrong Nagas from Makhel to Rani Gaiinliuholds the same view that not only Zeliangrong, but also some Nagas were dispersed out from Makhel, a Mao village, though this view invites us for more research and confirmation for being new theory and of recent invention. According to one senior Zeliangrong elder and leader, A. K. Lungalangin his statement has to say that Zeliangrong people were descended from three sons of one single parent called Guiba or Liuroshe. The account said that Liangmeis are the descendants of the first son, Kadi; Zemeis, fromthe second son, Namgang and the Rongmeis, from the third son, Rimbango. Whether one aggressor disagrees to accept this theory is an academic exercise to be made by further research. However, what we generally conceive and commonly accepted fact today is that Zeliangrong as a paternal organization was formed on 25th February 1947 at Keishamthong, Imphal; Manipur. As a matter of fact and worthwhile tomention is that it was our Zeliang visionary leaders like Late Shri L. Lungalang, Late Shri Namgahieng, Late Shri D.Haralu, Late Shri Huthunbow, Shri A. K. Lungalangetc that went to Keishamthong village to initiate the formation of the organisation.We have to explore what exactly might be the inspiration behind it. Yet, ever since the formation of the Zeliangrong organization whether one is willing to abide in its fold or not, has known far and wide to the other communities of the three states of Nagaland, Manipur and Assam. Its nomenclature is known even to the Indian national level through ZPC, Zeliangrong Students Unions and through various Cultural programmes etc. However, it is also may not be untrue to say that Zeliangrong organization though exists asorganizational platform is not at all foundationally firmed. It is shaky under the fierce storm of oppositions! In other words, Zeliangrong organization is cracked today due to undue division among the so called patriarchal brethren.Merely form of organisation may exist still, yet internally is eaten up by termites of opposition. Therefore, it is very important to retrospect the nature of the organization how and why it had been formed and what was the primary reason for constituting the organization.What led the Zeliang leaders to propose the Zeliangrong organization?Was it for cultural affinity? Or was it for political reason as well? Whatever be the reason, the author has expounded facts and factors contributing to disintegrating the organization and lack of remedial measure for the revival of it.
Cultural Tie
It is said culture has no barrier.Culture is labelled stronghold of organisation. Culture creates love and humanity. Identifying one’s culture is the same as curiosity to know one’s origin of ethnicity. Structure of a society or organisation is in the identity of its culture. Culture is the identity that uplifts one’s community or tribe. Without cultural development, the identity and dignity of an organisation or community degraded down in time. For, culture is relatively ingrained in the bloodline of a community or tribe. As mentioned, if Zeliangrong tribes were born from a single biological parent, then their closeness is not only of the cultural similarity but of a closely blood related relationship. This cannot be denied or defied by any political differences or geographical factor. The intrinsic motive of Zeliangrong leaders those who formed the Zeliangrong organisation were not primarily on the political agenda but of closely blood related and culturally attached therewith. Their motive was to bring awareness of its biological relation through cultural revival that deadened in oblivion. Their principle motive was to bring love and fraternity separated by geographical boundaries.Realising the motive behind the formation, brethren of Zeliangrong must try to find out ways to uplift the organisationinternally and externally. Religion teaches love and peace. Law and order likewise tries tooth and nail to bring peaceful environment in the worldbutculture is the mostinevitable element and instrument that plays a very important role in moulding those attributes in human societies. Closely knowing and relating to each other’s ethnicity and culture helps to bring love and peace among the citizens of the world. Cultural and social rebirth is innate human aspiration. That is why national and international communities have taken up many cultural related programmes of different ethnicity to mould and bring sense of one global family for peaceful co-existence. Why don’t Zeliangrong people think out such a cultural exchange programmebiennially or triennially or quadrennially so that the unaware bloodily related consanguineous sons of the soils could be re-united again asone formidable biological boundenorganisation? Don’t we want to overcome the differences of tribes, of creed, of colour, of culture, of cuisine, of conviction, of costume and custom which still mars the societies of the world?If yes, this could be revived and organised in a large scale programmein the three states interchangeably. This will provide an opportunity to exhibit our rich culture to the world so that Zeliangrong people will also be one of the powerful and majored recognised ethnic groups of the world. It would give us also opportunity to learn traditions, heritages, languages and foods etc of each other’s tribe. The big celebration feast quadrennially would invite our brethren together with outside worlds.
Many brethren of Zeliangrong think Zeliangrong organisation was solely a political organisation. However, primary aspect and motive of formation of Zeliangrong organisation was not on political ground but of cultural affinity. Political perception comes later in the course of time by geographical factors. Bonding bloodline and culture of the conglomerate tribes were the main inspiration for the leaders to form the organisation. They had the vision of uniting the bloodily tribes sporadically livingunaware in different states. How much they had such asenseof belongingness and how much we have in these present days is a question to be sensitised for upcoming youths.Any organisation formed and rooted by cultural affinity is more important than political organisation. Any organisation builds on blood relationship is stronger and firmer than political. Culture is permanent but political is temporary. Any differencesarise from culture cannot be severed forever,but political differences can be severed at any timeas the nature of politics itself isalways demanding and self-oriented. That is why politics is also sometimes calledplatform of exposing self centered agendas. Political organisation is always fragile if one’s particular desire is not met and fulfilled. It is thepolitical right of all that if any of the group desiresso could be severed from the organisation liberallyat any time to follow its own political path. No one can be forced or restrained from the freedom of severing from its fold. Culture tie on the other hand is more powerful than the political institution. The unity that brings by culture is more effective than political unity. That is why culture is considered the root of unity while political is just a platform of edifying it. Politics may be corrupted but culture cannot be. It stays there forever irrespective of one’s concern or unconcern. The identity of culture will never lose. If Zeliangrong organisation is to be uplifted to the highest form of political organisation, then neglecting the culture would be a great drawbackto the path. If the Zeliangrong organisation is to be viewed politically, equal opportunity and rights of the three fraternal tribes should be addressed well and understood well. Or else, the organisation would be simply a platform of empty vessel that gives ear-tickling noisy-lectures to members. So, my personal appeal to Zeliangrong brethren isthat to build a strong Zeliangrong organisation (a super political organisation); culture should be given a place of top priority to back up the loopholes and mend the political differences.Think that culture is the balm of political maladies. Merely existence of organisation that gives the aspect of external politicalpower would be disintegrated and died down later if there is no realisation of the nature and the nucleus of the unityis culture. Moreover, the vision of the leaders who formed the organisation would be unfulfilled in political differences. If there are more political differences, more opposition will be crept up among the so called biological brethren.When love, regard, and peace which are the integral part of culture arenot deeply rooted in the hearts, how can a mere political organisation guaranteea lasting unity in the organisation? It could be a house of sands. The dream of the architects (pioneers) of the organisation will be risked under the sword of Damocles. The historical ratification of blood in Keishamthong shall be plunged into the dirty eddy of political disparities. I wish the organisation be not left long under the eclipse of political discrepancies.
Mending the cracking pot of ZLR