The world today blames the greed of the human kinds for the cause of the present global crisis due to environment degradation and Manipur too joined in criticizing the human greed for the present crisis.
Human error has always been the cause of crisis of any kind. And from time to time, these human has been fighting hard to correct the error so that we could live a live with dignity, peacefully and prosperously.
It is right that we the human beings have committed so many crimes against the Mother Nature. We have tonsure almost all forest of the planet and as a result flash flood, draught, extreme rise in mercury etc are becoming yearly phenomenon in across the planet. Manipur too have been witnessing the horror of nature’s wrath in the recent year. For some civilize society, they have been finding alternative ways to live with the changes and by trying to restore the Mother Nature to its original position. For Country like Thailand or Japan in the South East Asia or the Israel in the Middle East or the US in the west, they have been finding ways to adapt with the changing environment making their land human friendly. For example, way back in early 2000s, Thailand had started construction Check Dam in Chekmai area to control the water at catchment area. The construction of the Check Dam had not only control flash flood but also succeeded in supplying water for irrigation. Israel, once a barren land is now an advance country which produces agricultural products the years round. This was possible due to the hard work of the people of the country. Similar kind of initiative to fight the changing climatic condition of the world is being seen taken up at many states of India too. Government of Many state particularly Rajsthan, Punjab, Maharastra etc. have been putting all their energy to promote agricultural products. When agri products are high the state automatically becomes free from natural disaster.
Well as for the state of Manipur the people now that the deforestation that has been taking place for the last many decades is the cause of the present environmental crisis. We have heard the head of the state talking about the deforestation at River Catchment area as the cause of the flash flood and the present day draught like situation. The government authority always talk as if the people of this land are left with no means as it is the nature that has been creating the situation. Desperate move like mass tree plantation are being taken up and huge amount of money have been spent for the plantation of sapling. The initiative for the plantation of sapling is a good initiative. However on second thought it is pertinent for one all to think about the people of present day Manipur. The plantation of trees is a long term measures and it will take some 2 decades to see all trees grow well. But why the state is not considering of taking up some short term measures for survival of the present day generation.
When Thailand or Israel could find scientific measures to fight the changing climate change, why not in the state of Manipur?
As everyone knows that it was the deforestation at river catchment area that caused frequent flash flood and drought, why the government is not constructing Check Dams at River catchment area? While waiting for the newly planted sapling to grow the Check Dam is now left as the only means for control of rain water at River Catchment area. The idea is being suggested as it had been taken up at other places. However, there may be other scientific way to solve the present crisis. But for that the state need to invest money to the scientists of the state and encourage them to research in the field.
Let us think of some immediate measures so that the present generation can adapt with the changing climate of the world. After all we can’t let ourselves died in hunger.
Time to find way for immediate solution to the climate crisis