The people in the state have had the unique distinction of enduring decades of indifference and negligence on the part of the Government, both at the state and the central level. The present turmoil and volatile situation in the state is arguably an important manifestation of the festering angst and indignation such dismissive attitudes have fomented in the minds of the people of the region, feeling betrayed and ditched by successive governments, one worse than the other. In fact, such shortcomings of the governments have presented a plethora of opportunities for various unscrupulous elements amidst the uncertainties and frustrated nerves. It would not be too far from the truth if anyone observes that the majority of the people are getting more reactive, violent and vindictive, while residing under what is considered the world’s largest democracy, where freedom and individual rights are given as birth rights. And one of the most important topic of contention and frustration for the people is the state of the two national highways which serves as the lifeline for the people of the state and which has been kept in its outdated and dilapidated condition for so long notwithstanding the fact that hundreds of trucks are risking everything by using this same route to bring in thousands of tons of essential commodities for the people of the state. That there has been innumerable loss of precious lives and much needed articles which could have been avoided had the Government taken up necessary action in time would be repeating the obvious. The state Government have for long been trumpeting the paucity of funds as an excuse for every conceivable lacunae of developmental activities, while reports of huge amounts of funds being called back due to the inability of the state Government to utilize them in time, have consistently flummoxed the public. The recent report of hundreds of trucks getting stranded on their way to Manipur with full loads of essential and often perishable commodities due to the worsening condition of a bridge along the route have once again highlighted the nonchalant approach of the state Government to the protracted problem that has been hampering the progress of the state as a whole, inspite of fervent promises and generous assurances issued at the drop of a hat. Such self-contradictory and reactive system of governance has raised doubts on the validity of the promises made and development activities initiated by the present government. When a 200-odd kilometer stretch of road has overwhelmed the collective will of the state Government and eluded any long term solution, shouldn’t we be considering ourselves too optimistic to be eagerly looking forward for the much anticipated railway services to reach Imphal, given the noncommittal approach to almost every development activity being carried out in the state, despite the tall claims and rosy pictures being portrayed with fervent zeal. One could only wish if the action could have matched the speed and zeal of the spoken words. That would really have bridged the yawning divide between the ruler and the ruled- psychologically, ideologically and politically.
Mending the gap