The various strategies of the Union and state government for restoring peace in the region too contain the mushrooming groups of insurgents from their armed struggles, while being laudable, cannot be helped but take it with a pinch of salt.
The ongoing Suspension of Operation and the cease fire with a number of organizations which have laid down arms to return to mainstream society have turned up quite a few challenges till date, often with conflicting interests with the society. The present arrangement by the Government regarding the issue is evidently nothing more than a mere ploy to buy time without a comprehensive plan or foresight. As per government record 27 underground groups operating in the region have signed the Suspension of operation with the government. Of this 7 groups belongs to KNO and their strength is 1122; 6 groups belongs to UPF and their cadre strength is 1059; the remaining 14 groups belongs to various factions of KCPs and others including UPPK. The total amount spent for KNO and UPF is Rs. 7,85,16,000/ annually as per statement by the Chief Minister of Manipur in the last state assembly session.
Going by the developments, it is evident that the real and vital component of making efforts to identify and address the genesis of the protracted issue has been lost in the melee. Worse still, is it a case of deliberate and convenient oversight? The often uncomfortable disclosures of the not-so-secret nexus between the elected representatives and various armed insurgent groups definitely suggest so. It goes without saying that a volatile and restive society hinders development and renders any effort for progress unachievable. The unofficial yet established understanding of allocating fixed percentages for different proscribed groups from all the funds allocated for development works in the state, along with the unaccounted amount a contractor has to shell out for the various staffs of the department under which a particular work has been allocated has come to be an accepted norm.
Working under such a situation, the contractor has taken to cutting corners to make profits as the concern authorities, having pocketed their personal considerations, conveniently looked the other way. The result is for all to see, and sometimes, unfortunate enough to feel it –crumbling bridges and cracked buildings, broken roads and seeping walls, the ensuing and never ending blame game further confusing the exasperated public.
That a majority of these groups, if not all, have turned the uncertain and unstable situation of the state into a lucrative business, preying on the fear and doubts of the common people, while those in power used the situation to enrich themselves. Unless this cycle of deception and lies is put to halt, the purported attempt of the government is destined to fail right from the outset. There has record of a cadre belonging to these groups killing a youth and teenage girl in Moreh.
Only a transparent, proactive and upright Government brave enough to admit it’s mistakes, analyze constructive criticisms, make a stand and deliver on its promises will make any headway towards peace. As long as there is vested interest and perceptions of undue personal accumulation of wealth by those in governance, there will always be dissent and disturbances. Creating an atmosphere for entrepreneurs to flourish and create employment opportunities in the state will alleviate the situation in no small measure. An honest, earnest and resolved effort to remedy the ills of the present system will send out a clear intent of the government to the public who are longing for a positive change.
Such a government can definitely expect the support loyalty from the public. If the present Government has any such intent, it must proceed to draw up a detailed roadmap for sustained development and act on it without further ado.
Is SoO serving its purpose?