Home » Hope bargains

Hope bargains

by IT Web Admin
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“Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there”:- the adage perhaps sums up the present political and economic scenario in the state more succinctly than anything. It must be said for the Ibobi led government that its efforts in displaying an apparent proactive approach towards developmental activities- or most of it- cannot be faulted, nor is it second to one. There have been a slew of activities ably and distinctly reported and mentioned in various media in the state regarding the inauguration, implementation, ideation or proposal of various public development activities and schemes ostensibly aimed at quickening the pace of progress in Manipur. It would not be an exaggeration to state that the publicity machinery of the government must be on an overdrive to cope with all the pressures that comes with such a blitzkrieg. Or has the focus been shifted so acutely towards publicizing its development activities- both implemented and conceived- that there is neither the time nor the resources to actually pursue them? Reports and images of inaugurations, seminars, dedications, groundbreaking ceremonies bombards the consciousness of the general public day in and day out without any let-up. Yet the end result for almost all such announced and declared undertakings is yet to be enjoyed or even materialize. The only logical outcome, as has been experiencing by the public is the gradually intensifying social unrests and disruptions, deterioration in the law and order and escalation in inexplicable aberrations in public administration. For long, the public has been fed only on hollow promises and empty assurances. Make-shift solutions and haphazard steps to escape the present problem or sideline issues have started to yield an even more serious and complex problem. Procrastination has perpetuated pandemonium, and indecision has become endemic along the corridor of power in the state. Take any issue plaguing the state- AFSPA 1958, Inner Line Permit System, recruitment of state security personnel, Mapithel and Tipaimukh Dams, ring road, education, Public Distribution System, minor irrigation, Loktak Development Agency, Suspension of Operation or rather the disintegrating process. All of these issues have a common thread of inadequacy running through them. All and every single one of them started off as an insignificant and containable hitch. It has been the continuing indifferent attitude and the dismissive behavior of those at the helm of affairs that have perpetuated the matter to the present situation. Too many minor glitches have been left to fester and grow instead of taking prompt and appropriate action. The public is getting restless and is starting to openly question the sincerity and integrity of the government and its myriad activities. There is a pressing need to take remedial measures if the smouldering public displeasures are to be relieved. Only an earnest introspection coupled with a proactive and sincere approach towards the declared promises and purposes can make smoother the road towards a better future.

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