Unbelievable! But then I would be stating the obvious, just as hundreds of thousands of us in the state would have reacted. Yet all along, we have, as always, been prepared for the worst, and with unfailing consistency, the state government had gone and done the obvious, yet again. The official announcement made through the media by Chief Minister O. Ibobi at the construction site of Sanjenthong Bridge stating that the completion of the vital bridge is most likely to be delayed due to non-availability of a certain component referred to as a “hanger” by officials of SIMPLEX, the company entrusted with construction and completion of the bridge within a stipulated time as announced due to the very fact, as we are made to believe, that the particular component was to be brought in from abroad- UK -if anybody paid any attention to the rhetoric of the Chief Minister of Manipur, raised more damaging questions than the state government would care to answer. First off: is the state government not aware of the level of expertise SIMPLEX had in expediting such projects? Were there no any such inquiries into the capabilities and resourcefulness of the company at the time of awarding the contract for construction of the bridge which spans a mere 55.8 m in length and 22.27 wide? Is India still so underdeveloped that a so called “Hanger” has not been or could not be produced in the country till date? Has the state government done any homework before and after awarding the project vis-à-vis other states which have a few hundred bridges longer and wider than the proposed Sanjenthong Bridge being attempted to be built at this present level of technological advancement of which India is being touted to be a forerunner? Is this particular ‘Hanger” supposed to be manufactured only in the UK? What about neighboring countries- China for instance, which have successfully constructed the world’s longest cross-sea bridge which stretches five miles further than the distance between Dover and Calais-The Jiaozhou Bay bridge, 26.4 miles (42.4867 Kms) long linking China’s eastern port city of Qingdao to the offshore island Huangdao, the whole initiative taking just 4 years from start to finish. One cannot help but wonder how much involvement UK, particularly the manufacturers of the “Hangers” must be having in such a project? One thing is very clearly evident- Mr. Okram Ibobi and his henchmen have overtly underestimated, and thereby insulted the intelligence of hundreds of thousands of individuals in the state who have far better mental acuity and foresight albeit sans the cumbersome Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) of imagining themselves the know-alls and end-alls of every matter concerning the development or progress of the state. The time to come clean is already ticking past by. In this age of instant information, the archaic system of sideling and bungling the real issue does not hold much weight. The litmus test is underway. Time to stand back and watch the show.
Fooled by a foreign hanger
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