The Governor of Manipur ordered the transfer and posting of 24 IAS/MCS officers on the 9th of June, and while this may be explained as a normal procedure for the state administration, the general public cannot help noticing the pattern where these officers are being transferred. It may be dismissed as a conjecture at this juncture, but the apparent attempt at population transfer by the state administration has not escaped the vigilant public eye, more so as the feeling of inaction and deliberate downplay of the situation by the central and state government has pervaded the collective mindset of the people of the state on both sides of the divide. It must be mentioned here that the population transfer has already been affected since the communal flareup broke out on the 3rd of May leading to the death of hundreds and displacement of thousands in addition to the destruction of innumerable houses and properties.
It would be an understatement to say that the resulting outcome is one which is undesireable and unfortunate, and the process of reconciliation and path to normalcy will take decades, if not centuries. And central to the present feeling of discontentment among the populace is the much delayed and grossly inadequate knee jerk reaction of the authorities both at the state and the central level coupled with the fact that the assurances and promises made by the Union Home Minister Amit Shah during his recent visit to the state and inspection tours to the various affected areas in the state have not materialised as expected.
The people of the state are also still awaiting personal assurances from the Prime Minister himself who need no reminding that the people in the state voted BJP to power mainly on the promises and assurances made by him on his many visits to the state for solutions to various protracted issues plaguing the state which is hampering development and progress in the state. Now that the disgruntled public has started losing faith in the present administration and if significant steps are not taken up in right earnest at the earliest to ease the situation and bring a long-term solution based on practicality and rationale decisions that should stand the test of time, the already critical situation in the state will deteriorate further which might tip over to the point beyond repair.
The population transfer that has taken place has further deepened the divide and while the struggle to fend off the narco-terrorists has been going on for some time now, the present escalation is on the brink of being diverted towards fight between communities by a few albeit powerful individuals playing the communal victim card to suit their personal agenda.
The continuing application of short term and half-baked ideas and hoping for a miracle will not work and it is time to draw out a clear and precise solution if we do not want another such violent outbreak to engulf the state and bring it to a standstill. Those at the helm of affairs should step up to the occasion or step down.
Fiddling for a miracle
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