The Truth of Relationships

Many relationships are born with the birth of a human being.  Some relationships are created automatically with birth.  Some relationships are created by man himself.  Parents are the closest relationship a child can have.  Most of the years of childhood are spent with parents and they learn a lot and the influence and habits of one’s parents are often seen in one’s life.  Some relationships are easily maintained by human beings in society and some require a little effort.  Some have the heart to play and some have to play by force.  Some relationships are based on blood and some on love.  But the only relationships that last are those that are based on love and trust.  In some relationships life seems to pass like a flower and in moments and in some relationships life seems to be a mountain jedi and a thorny cone.  Some relationships are performed out of social fear, just as many unmarried marriages are performed out of a sense of humor.  There are some relationships that seem like a burden on one’s shoulders and some relationships are so dear that one is always afraid of losing them somewhere.  He just wants to finish and be light.  Sometimes a person becomes so selfish about relationships that he catches them with so much pain that they fall out of his hands like a handful of sand.  That is why the wise say that relationships are like rubber, the more you pull, the more you break.  It is on the fabric of these relationships that the whole social structure stands.  Mankind today has become so selfish that every relationship is being torn apart, where children have become the killer of parents and where parents have become the culprits of children.  Everyday horrible events clearly show the progress or collapse of any society.  A person gets most of the rituals from his home.  Rape and acid attacks in India and in the state in the recent past have been the handiwork of Manchala lovers who have resorted to such a vile act of disrespecting a girl.  Girls who suffer from acid attacks are forced to live the rest of their lives with physical and mental anguish.
Numerous cases of acid attacks are read and heard every day.  The mentality of a human being is so degraded that he takes the form of a devil and destroys any girl who is out of his reach.  The only goal in front of him is either mine or destruction.  Looking at all these incidents, it is felt that what is lacking in this web of relationships is that even these human beings in the form of beasts have passed away from the womb of a mother.  What is lacking then is that their mentality falls so low that they adopt such an attitude.  Don’t parents have enough time to teach their sons that daughters or daughters are human? Every human being has his own thoughts and ideas and every human being has the right to live his own way.  -There are customs, there are some rules, there is some manners, there is respect, faith and love.  Are today’s parents so preoccupied with their offspring that they are turning their children into beasts instead of humans?  Indeed, much of the blame lies with social relations and parents who keep their offspring deprived of good morals.  Human beings in this age sometimes become so selfish for themselves that they do anything for themselves and live a life of neglecting responsibilities towards others.  They take a moment.  The conscience of such people is dead. The slaps of time turn them from man to stone;  They don’t think before they do anything and they take the form of a wolf from a human being. In the past, they may not have received any love or respect, otherwise the soul and conscience of a human being may fall so low.  Can go
Growing anarchy in modern society also plays an important role in giving birth to inferior mental phenomena.  Growing wealth-poverty gap and unemployment in the society has also led to increase in physical and mental atrocities in the society.  In such a fast-paced modern age, sometimes parents do not even have enough time to develop their children’s personality in all aspects.  Coolie, Gulli and Julli are so overwhelmed by life that even after a hard day’s work, parents are unable to provide for themselves and their children.  When the fire of the belly is extinguished, man will think beyond it.  There is still so much ignorance in the society that poor people give birth to children and start using them as their only source of income.  As these poor children move from childhood to adolescence, the inequality between rich and poor is sometimes beyond their comprehension.  Every human being wants to have a good home and good food but when these basic needs are not met then other criminal thoughts arise in his mind except hard work.  -Want to adopt methods.  Sometimes parents spend a lifetime trying to make more money for their children, and the neglected offspring squander the couple’s money while they are still young.  The bitterness of parental relationships can also have a profound effect on a child’s psyche.  In today’s Punjab, this relationship between husband and wife has become so weak.  Special efforts are required to cultivate the mentality of the people of any society which is different and special from general education.  In India, such efforts amount to zero.  Book education accumulates a wealth of degrees, no mentality or personality is developed anywhere.  In Punjab alone, which has gained these degrees, according to some estimates, an army of around five million unemployed people is forced to look for the values of life from time to time in order to find a solution.  The mindset itself is extremely helpful in leveling the relationship.  Even the political leaders of today’s society do nothing.  They start to think of themselves as a special person apart from the society after voting.  They appear to society in a completely different way.  After becoming a political leader, he spends crores of rupees on expensive cars and ships and when he comes to inaugurate expensive buildings or malls, he never looks at the slums of the poor behind these skyscrapers whose hardworking hands  These buildings are erected.  As soon as these buildings are built, the slums collapse and they wait for another expensive building to be built.  We should all make every effort to make the glass of the relationship come true.

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