Short-term courses boost academic and professional skills of young

Young Indian and they would tell you that their biggest problem is getting a job with a stable income. This problem is prevalent across the country covering both metro cities as well as smaller town. But is getting a job with stable income such a big challenge in India? Not really, if you are looking for a skill based job and not the one based upon your academic background.
In fact, many career counsellors would agree that India needs a lot of skilled professionals who are able to offer unique professional services that are in high demand. The  government’s ‘Skill India’ campaign is also aimed at developing young skilled professionals who are capable of not only working for someone but developing their own businesses. If you also want to start earning a respectable income, you can consider joining a few short-term job oriented courses that can help you develop the necessary skills required to make a living.
Below, we have discussed a few of them
1. Stock Broker Course
If you are someone who is good at accounting and finance, or plan to build a career in this stream; a short term course in Stock Brokerage or Actuaries. A basic stock market course would last for about 3 months in which you would be provide primary knowledge of stock broking and trading.  In addition to this, if you go for a more detailed programme, you can also get to understand the different risk factors one must consider and future prediction. If you want some specifics, look for courses offered by the National Stock Exchange. Once done with this course, you can develop your job profile fro technical analyst, market researcher, broker, financial advisor 
2. Foreign Language
Another job-oriented course that can help you rake in some serious moolah would be Foreign Language Courses. With emergence of India as a global economic power, especially in IT and other related services, the demand for foreign language professionals who can act as a link between different business across border has increased significantly. In addition to businesses, foreign language professionals also have a chance to join Foreign Embassies or even Government of India on language interpreter profile.
There are many well-recognized institutes that offer excellent foreign language courses. For instance, Alliance Française specializes in French courses, where as Goethe Institut Max Mueller Bhavan is the one you can go for German language courses.
Eligibility: Graduation / Undergraduate’s can also apply
Skills Required: Basic understanding of language
Expected Salary: Rs 30000 – Rs 40000
3. Make Up & Hair Dressing Courses
Today’s selfie generation is obsessed with Facebook and Instagram likes, so it doesn’t come across as a surprise that looking good would be one of their prime priorities. Consequently, there has been a serious rise in the demand for professional make-up artists and hair-dressers. While traditionally these services were limited for celebrities and high-society folks, today every youngster wants to look like a superstar and here’s where you as a professional make-up and hair dressing artist would come in.
There are a number of institutes and known brands that offer credible courses in make-up and hair dressing. In fact, many institutes are known to groom talented professionals in this field and even hire them for their chain of Saloons and Beauty Parlours. Jawed Habib is one such brand. If you don’t really think that working on Beauty Saloons is your thing, you can always look for jobs with media houses and film production houses, where demand for talented make-up professionals higher than ever. And if nothing else works out, you can always launch your own business backed by your awesome skills.
Eligibility: Graduation / Undergraduate’s can also apply
Skills Required: Creativity
Expected Salary: Rs 15000 – Rs 25000
4. Mobile Repairing Course
Mobile Phones have become an integral part of our daily life but at the same time they remain to be delicate devices that require regular service and repairing. Most of the times, mobiles that are deemed unusable require very minor repair or replacement of part, which can make it as good as new. But, the skilful repair professionals who can perform these tasks upon these complicated pieces of technology are hard to find today. Here’s where mobile repairing comes into the picture.
While there are very few established mobile repairing institutes that offer credible courses but slowly the market for it is developing. A simple google query will list down the top institutes that can teach you basics of mobile technology and repairing. So, be sure to try it out. The best part mobile repairing courses is that it doesn’t require any prior formal training and almost any one pick the requisite skills during the course.
Eligibility: Graduation / Undergraduate’s can also apply
Skills Required: Creativity
Expected Salary: Rs 20000 – Rs 25000
5. Fitness / Yoga Trainers
Fitness is pivotal to one’s health and the recent trend of being healthy and fit has surely caught the fancy of Indians, young and old both. Thanks to the health hazards that face us today, thanks to sedentary lifestyle, pollution and poor diet options; everyone is looking for new and innovative ways to stay healthy and fit. Even the Government of India is pushing various health initiatives further with focus upon Yoga and other forms of fitness training, the demand for fitness trainers, Gym trainers and Yoga trainers has reached a record high.
With people ready to spend a significant amount of money to get in shape, the earning potential of a fitness or Yoga trainer is immense. If you are also interested in staying fit and helping others to the same, you can opt for short-term courses for fitness trainers and yoga trainers. Many establish gym chains offer 2-3 months crash courses for fitness trainers, in addition to this many Yoga institutes have also come up recently who train professionals to spread the art of healthy living among Indians.
Eligibility: Graduate / Undergraduates can apply
Skills Required: Fitness freak
Expected Salary: Rs 20000 – Rs 30000
6. Radio Jockey / Video Jockey
Love talking and have flair for music? You should consider a career as a Radio Jockey or a Video Jockey. Radio Jockeys are the folks you hear every morning on the radio on your way to college, talking about the latest Bollywood gossip or discussion the trending news that is taking place in the city or country. With rise of FM radio stations across country, especially the recent wave which has made them a norm in even tier 2 cities as well, the job profile of Radio Jockeys especially in smaller cities is on the rise. Radio and Video Jockeys get fame, recognition and definitely money.
If you also want to join the ranks of popular names such as RJ Naved and others, try joining a radio jockey courses available across the country. Majority of the RJ courses are 6 months long and provide you basic knowledge of radio industry, content production and equip you with the basic skills required to make it big in the radio world.
Eligibility: Graduates
Skills Required: Creativity, Unique Voice
Expected Salary: Rs 30000 – Rs 40000
7. Event Management Courses
Another upcoming field (many would call it quite well established) is the domain of event management. Great communication skills, excellent networking ability and zeal to get things done; these are the prime qualities that event mangers require. If you were always good at organizing your college fest or even enjoyed planning and throwing excellent parties for your BFFs, you can be a serious candidate for Event Management Courses.
While institutes offering short-term courses are far and few, there are many which are upcoming recently which offer quality courses for aspiring event managers. From designing presentations and preparing budget estimates to handling logistical challenges that will arise; certificate courses in event management will help you deal with all these challenges with ease. 
Eligibility: Graduate
Skills Required: Communication Skills, Networking
Expected Salary: Rs 25000 – Rs 35000
8. Tourism Courses
Tourism is another major industry that requires a lot of skilled professionals who can help fellow Indians and even foreigners to explore the marvellous phenomenon called India. Right from people who can arrange train and flight tickets to folks who can design travel itinerary for business travellers to wanderlust tourism experts exploring untouched destinations; there is immense scope in travel and tourism industry for young professionals. While traditional tourism industry focused only on a few well-known places, the new-age travel professionals help young Indians to explore the unseen India. Be it finding a secluded hill-station to connect with nature or an untouched beach on Konkan coast.
As far as courses are concerned, there are several established travel and tourism institutes across India which offer both long term and short term courses in tourism. But recently, many institutes have started introducing certificate courses that are tailored for tourism professionals who want to cater to millennial generation and their zeal to travel. Such courses are basically crash courses that help you develop the necessary skills as a tourism expert.
Eligibility: Graduation
Skills Required: zeal to travel, explore new places, business mind
Expected Salary: Rs 20000 – Rs 30000
As the famous adage goes, ‘making money is not a difficult task; if you know where to start’; earning over Rs 20000 every month can be amazingly easy, if you are equipped with the right skills and are able to put them to use in the right way. The aforementioned job-oriented courses, most of which are only 3-6 months, will require minimal investment in terms of both money and time, while also helping you to develop the necessary skills for the job market.

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