Concentration is the key factor to boost your memory

A student’s mind should be like the still waters, cool and calm. It helps you to concentrate better and hence improves the memory power. It’s a fact that memory cannot be improved without giving importance to concentration.
So, let’s focus on building concentration at the first place, and then try to improve your memory.
How to improve concentration?
Choose a specific place for studying
Try to fix your mind at a specific place while studying, and always study in that designated place only. You may choose libraries or any other quiet rooms (free from any distractions) for studying. This will help you to concentrate better as your mind will stay focused on a particular thing. Avoid chatting, browsing the phone or doing any other activity that are nothing but a way of distraction. Try to keep your study place clean, and it should be spacious with good ventilation and lighting.
Focus on goals that are achievable
Set your goals according to your potential and priorities. It’s better to focus on only those goals that are achievable rather than setting unrealistic goals just for the sake of excellence. Therefore, make short-term and specific goals and start working on them. This will not only help you to achieve your set targets but also allow you to do all the activities with focus and concentration. Define your objectives, and let your mind focus on that. You will realize after a while that you are able to concentrate better by doing this.
Meditation is a must to boost concentration
A lot has been said on the power of meditation and its benefits on your life. Yes, it’s true. Make it a practice to meditate at-least for 10 minutes on a daily basis and you will start observing the changes within a month. Meditation helps in controlling the mind from moving here and there, and you become totally active at the present moment. It is a must for every student to practice mediation to improve concentration and hence memory power.
Now that we have shared some useful ways of improving your concentration power, let’s proceed to the ways of improving memory:
Practice to read loudly while studying
This may sound a little weird but that’s how it works when it comes to improving memory power. The next time when you try to memorize something, make sure to read it loud and repeat it for 3 or 4 times. Once you have done that, try to write it down. It will surely help you to boost your memory. However, don’t try this when you are studying at a library or classroom. 
Discuss the topic that you have learned
Once you have learned a respective topic, start discussing it with your friends. This will help you to revise the subject and memorize it for a longer period of time without even putting an effort to study it again. Discussing a topic lets your brain to store the information and hence you tend to remember it for a longer period. This is one cool way to boost your memory power. Try it from now onwards.
Visualize, draw and learn to boost your memory
If you are finding it difficult to memorize something, try to imagine the scenario, and draw it on a paper as per your understanding. This will help you to learn and memorize the topic quickly. Your brain is more receptive to visual and images, therefore, you will be able to learn a particular topic by drawing a rough sketch of it. This works perfect with Mathematics and Science subjects.
Chewing Gum helps in improving memory
Studies have found that spraying a scent at your study room or chewing gum helps in boosting your memory. Spray your favorite scent while you study and then spray the same scent when leaving home for the exam. In no seconds, you will be able to remember everything that you studied during that day. Similarly, it’s good to chew a gum while you read or study as it not only helps you to stay focused but also boosts your memory.
Last but not the least, be positive and believe in yourself to achieve excellence in whatever you are doing. In case, you have something to say, please don’t hesitate to pen down your views in the comment box below. You can also share this article in your circle to let your friends know about the way to improve concentration and memory power.

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