Home » I Am In You To Feel Myself

I Am In You To Feel Myself

by Rinku Khumukcham
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By: Parthajit Borah. 


Measuring the heart confirms my age

The weaving dreams of emotion 

awake me in silence,

the  sobing of tears surrendered 

before the kingdom of crying. 

The memories of feelings grow 

too older to feel someone at heart.

Writing of words fail to form 

a poem in the pages of heart.

Night is haunting me 

sucking the final breath of my heart.

Tired dreams of pale heart flow

a red sea in my heart. 

Fallen tears of eyes seek to rest 

on the womb for a while. 

Touching of breeze confirms 

me to feel at someone’s heart. 

Melting emotions receive your 

warmth to pour dreams. 

Let me feel myself in you.

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