Despite all the forms and names of relationships in the society, every home-courtyard is still drenched in its spiritual color in spite of many misfortunes. Our way of life in India is still present in the continuity of its age-old identity and dignity, because they may not have the degree of reputed educational institutions, but have the skill and experience to perpetuate the social-cum-family fabric, through mutual relationships. in coordination. These sutras are created in practical life like the life force of relationships. Despite many differences, the flight of mutual harmony has kept the differences in the strings of relationships beyond. However, due to many reasons there is a migration from rural life to the cities.
From time immemorial, there was a strong abundance of addresses in family relations like mother-babuji, aunt-uncle, didi-brother, aunt, aunt-aunt, maternal grandmother, grandfather-grandmother. Although these addresses are still present in rural life, but in today’s generation, reflections of miserliness can be seen in the above-mentioned relationships of families who settled in cities and got engrossed in the culture there. Instead of mother-babuji, mother-father and many relationships have been transformed into uncle-aunty. It can be heard in many homes that grandmothers now prefer to be called ‘Dadi Maa’ and grandmothers ‘Nani Maa’. Whereas the address of the old times used to present a wave of self-pride and happiness.
‘Nanu’ from Nana and ‘Nani Maa’ from Nani can usually be heard in most of the houses. In its mythological tradition, the address of relationships on the one hand had a sense of intimacy, while it also introduced the sequence of different responsibilities. The ‘Uncle and Aunty’ address has brought strange camaraderie in the periphery of the vast relationship in an era of change in address. The dignified relations like uncle, warts, uncle etc. have been reduced to wither in the courtyard of formality. Similarly, due to shrinking of addresses like aunt, aunt, aunt, the sweetness of relationships has definitely decreased.
When we look at the changing role and nature of relationships, it is clear that western culture has influenced the dimensions of our way of life. It is the need of the hour that we must adopt the good things we get from any source in our life, but do not forget our invaluable social and family heritage or do not tamper with its basic structure. It is the only country in the world, where there is a vast breadth of food-cuisine, clothes-garment, names of relationships, cultural and religious customs.
Even now, those memory fragments are alive on the psyche that during the summer vacation in childhood, the curiosity of going to ‘Nani Ghar’ used to reverberate in the mind many days ago. On going there, our group of children used to bathe in the river, break tikole in the garden, play kabaddi in the evening and sleep while listening to the story from the grandmother at night. To save from the scolding of the mother, the mother’s aunt’s defense line was always ready, the mind never became heavy and the free mind used to break the limit of naughty.
Due to the heavy burden of bags and the transformation of the joint family into a nuclear family, now the existence of ‘Nani Ghar’ has eclipsed. The feeling of collective responsibility in the conduct of worldly rituals strengthened the relationship. All kinds of support sources were gathered from the presence of a group of relations in marriages or other accidental events. The families of the victims used to feel the life force in the group gathered around them. The spontaneous mutual cooperation in relationships today seems to be indulging in the sad cry of artificiality.
The amount of penetration that mobile culture has made in every sphere of the virtual world has made a person self-centred. By meeting in happiness and sorrow and talking continuously, the person felt relieved mentally. Letter writing has now become a thing of the past, whereas through it, it used to give a sense of closeness to loved ones even after staying away from themselves. Now Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp etc. have brought confusion in relationships, where the pretentious sense of belonging has kept us away from the courtyard of belongingness.
The remedy seems to be that as much as we can save the links of the eroding social relationships, it is appropriate. At least don’t let the broken wires slip off what’s left in the process of getting them back again. We should make all kinds of efforts to stop the break in the broken, crumbling, broken, tormented relationships, so that the flow of heart remains in the life of the future child.
Avoid breaking the bonds of social relationships
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