When the man is silent

By -Dr. Nunglekpam Premi Devi
Independent scholar

When the man is silent; he wants something;
When the man is silent; he wants to say lots;
When the man is silent; he expects things;
When the man is silent; he expects more unnoticed;
When the man is silent; he’s crazy hunting;
When the man is silent; he speaks within;
When the man is silent; he knows something odd;
When the man is silent; he’s becoming wild within self;
When the man is silent; he’s thousand heads;
When the man is silent; he’s violent and damaging;
When the man is silent; he’s an individual warrior.

When the man is silent; he designed desires;
When the man is silent; he elaborates his feelings;
When the man is silent; he’s bound to know about him back;
When the man is silent; he eagerly awaits answer;
When the man is silent; he conquers his woman;
When the man is silent; he cuts every single personal;
When the man is silent; he wants other to know him;
When the man is silent; he have too many queries;
When the man is silent; his privacy is golden.

When the man is silent; he hates being group;
when the man is silent; he truelypressure woman to be with;
When the man.

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