Nawa Loude

By – Dr Nunglekpam Premi Devi
Independent Scholar

How we feel; And How we react,
Strange voice within;
So happy and so damn easily; I pronounced;
I quite promptly and I engaged within self mentally;
Ah! It’s too well mannered like I say-
‘I don’t care’ still protecting and maintaining something;
‘Am I eligible’ backing off self situation;
Holding myself within;
I pray and I breathe softly;
I wish for a safer place;
Charging the way secretly;
‘Nawa Loude’ Yeah! Is that true?
Hampering thy emotions;
I walk like I do-
I stumble like I say-
You should know –How pleasant I being;
A strange man in a strange law;
Gently it crakes within so quietly-
‘Mawa su amta loude’.

Drawing a line so strongly-
Still visionary I may hold onto;
I fly and I flew all away- egos;
I switch again, again onto my chest;
Like I say- ‘I don’t care’, still I do
Bouncing me back into my charity;
Alone and all alone to self, sailing by;
Am I wrong? As I pronounced-
Like I mentioned ‘Nawa Loude chatlo’
Ah! The relationship bridge’s shattered;
I can’t fix that easily;
The string soon elastic, losing me too far off;
Oh! Those attachments- crushing so strongly;
Flew away in a minutes, feeling sorry;
Paying me hundreds sadness, when I feel empty;
Paying me thousands remorse, when I really miss;
Isn’t that a sign of caring as I say-
‘Mawa su amta loude’.
Like I say-I protected most necessary;
I see that importance concerning the welfare;
I tend something good terrifying off the corner;
I mind those risks providing me something;
The importance to someone-attending and looking after;
Don’t you say I never did care?
This wordy pleasure behests me-
Binding and commanding, instructing and requesting;
Appealing and pleading; praying and justifying;
Explaining and classifying; Excusing and apologizing;
Defending and safeguarding; shielding and protecting;
Securing and supporting; Preventing and explaining;
Ah! I forget what I am to-
Swiping and sailing myself far onto;
Like never I try holding onto-something;
I walk straight like I do-as I say-
‘I don’t care’ still protecting and maintaining something;
‘Nawa Loude’ ‘Nawa Loude chatlo’Yeah! Is that true?

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