In the name of Love

By- Dr.Nunglekpam Premi Devi
Independent Scholar

Call me by something, different and ‘even’ name;
‘Please’ me by cute, tiny and strange name;
‘Ebemma’, ‘echoubi’, ‘echan’, ‘e-che’ and ‘enao’;
Fascinating by the tangling ‘ethos’,
Captivating and enthralling and charming;
Oh! Those emotions so sweetening  
Making me proud; making me beautiful;
‘You’ hate me for nothing, blank;
‘You’ chase me for defying your words;
‘Naughty’ as I could; ‘Innocent’ as I exist;
Jumping and running free as I could,
There built no barrier ‘gender’ or ‘religion’;
 No secrete ‘hand’ dare tempt to touch,
So wildly and so vividly I flung off ‘naked’;
Re-birthing ‘me’ each day cocooning,
Tendering and fondling, caring and worshiping;
‘Home’ sweet home ‘ema’, ‘baba’ and ‘we’ll’,
Love, o love! Love’s a different meaning.

Call me by something, different and ‘even’ name
‘Fight’ me by worst, conquering and crushing ‘name’;
‘Kasubi’, ‘Besha’, ‘Oktabi’ and ‘Minai-nubi’,
‘Lam-chat naidbi’, ‘O-lakhi’, ‘Hing-chabi’ and ‘Mi-hatpi;
Criticizing and defeating with no mistake;
Killing ‘me’ so apart alive when in ‘you’ try ruling,
Pulling and triggering my emotions ‘unsaved’;
‘Whisking’ me away, forcing deep drowning;
Ah! You the ruler so timid,
Calling ‘me’ by different name ‘sarcastically’;
‘Rules’ for what goodness; ‘mastering’ your ‘egos’;
Living’s so threatening; I doubt as I live;
Oh! Log me in; count me off the ridge ‘social’
‘Ditching’ me into the category ‘scarlet’;
‘Flashing’ me helping ‘glowing’ so profoundly;
Love, Oh! Love you’re too daring I may say;

Call me by something, different and ‘even’ name;
‘Please’ me by trick, fraud and challenged name;
‘I love you so deep and I’ll die for you’;
‘I’ll buy for you’ and I’ll gift you’;
Oops! Everlasting sound emotions, sparkling into,
‘You deserve this and that’; Do I?’
‘Believing’ thousands, I fall down until I twisted;
‘Higher’ I float; ‘Lower’ down deep you pull me into;
Whirling and whirling until you shred ‘me’;
‘Into the jaws of shame; into the jaws of sinner’
‘Into the jaws of humiliation; into the jaws of embracement’;
‘Throwing me out’ and ‘kicking me out’;
‘Spit onto me; and slapping me harder’
‘Dragging me by hair and cutting it hurriedly’;
‘Who am I? And what you’re to me?’
‘So cruel and so murderous’ you become;
Love, Oh Love!  You’re so inhuman all thy ‘name’.

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