Echo of a Pyre

Dr. Aniruddha Babar
Tetso College, Dimapur, Nagaland

I wake up in the middle of the night
All drench in sweat with fear
That dream that I was seeing
I realized am living this year
World is set on fire
Humanity is burning
God has disappeared beyond the eternity
Eyes are blindly still searching
with the sweat on my forehead and restless heart,
burning thoughts killing my brain
I sit on my desk
with an aching soul and agonizing pain
The tears of hunger and the blood of thirst,
hatred among people, indifference- the eternal curse
Pandemic or a wrath of God, Rape of life or a murder for a cause
a comic Apocalypse or hollow Redemption amidst the living corpses interspersed
As I write at 2 AM, finding way through the insanity of my mind,
contesting with the ghostly shadows of surviving corpses and cold stares of their eyes
Sins and Virtues, Gods and Demons, coldness of hearts, no compassion to feel
O’ Human ! A Paragon of Animals !  you are burning in your own pyre of ignorant sacrifice ..

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