A girl with a Bicycle

Dr Nunglekpam Premi Devi
Independent Scholar

She walks along holding her bicycle’s handle frame;
She walks and she talks along, as she walks down the street;
She walks and walks along, as she converse to her friend;
She smiles and she laughs deeply; she cares and she looks out;
She loves air and she likes being with ‘Her’; as she walks
She walks and she walks down, not knowing she’ll miss;
She talks and she smiles with the breeze, fluttering around;
She holds and she holds tight; the bicycle in between them;
She walks clumsily as she talks; her eyes upon friend;
Down the street, down the narrow lane giggling;
She tweets and she adjust, as she walks down the street.

She loves being frame, with her parted pair plaits;
She loves adoring ribbon, red, green and white;
Her skirt too material; hard and bound and round shape;
She dislikes not wearing; she wish for a better material;
She adjusts and she adjusts; holding bubbles, hollow indeed;
Her hands so engaging, one on the bicycle handle caressing;
Her right one with guarding those fluttering skirt;
Here goes up and down, front and back;
Ripping apart within those wind’s glide;
Swiping up and down; one and two, she laughs harder;
As she walks down the narrow lane to the school;
She walks and she talks girly; adjusting her floating hair;
Down the lane and up the mould; pushing her bicycle far beyond.

She tangle and she miss; she never realized;
She hops and she falls repeatedly; she’s being missing;
Her friend stays home; she bade a good bye, ‘see you’;
She feels and she’s all alone; as she drop ‘her’ home walking;
Down far the narrow lane; on her way to home from school;
She pulls and pull up, her bicycle on the mould top;
She hops lazily; she ride and she sails again as she paddle;
Down the mould her bicycle runs speedily;
Down it goes and goes; no paddling and no paddling;
Down far riding swift smoothly, sitting on her saddle;
She holds tight as she ride, not even a wind can’t stop;
She knew it easily, she reach home flying directing;
Isn’t that worth walking; A girl with a bicycle.

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