Press Clarification; Dental College of RIMS

Dental College of RIMS, although a long cherished dream of Past authorities of RIMS, this dream was realized in 2012 when Dental Council of India have given green signal to commence its first session with 50 seats, RIMS being one of the two Govt. Dental Colleges permitted by the DCI in 2012. However it was subject to the fulfillment of several deficient infrastructure facilities, manpowers and equipments fulfillment to be monitored every year. The status of the file of the Dental College was detected “closed” in 2011 in the office of the DCI New Delhi. As soon as it was in the knowledge of the RIMS authority every concerned officials & concerned Committee members were alerted to open the closed file once again by fresh application in 2011. Prof. Sekharjit the then Director RIMS did not leave any stone unturned to make it happened with the positive mindset. Several lapse & deficiencies were identified and tried to get them within the limited time bound period. Being budding fraternity, 3th of its kind of RIMS a positive response from ministry was expected as a rare Govt Dental college under the Ministry, first of its kind for the NE States. However GOI R/R s & paper works, term/conditions were factors in delayed procuring of the items which are not sold in Manipur market. Here are some strict guidelines from Dental Council of India for compliance & Inspectors have given green signal in 2012, 13,14, but not in 2015 admission of BDS students.

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