IT News
Imphal, July 20:
Zeliangrong Baudi (ZB) has stated that there are reports of many citizens from the hills districts who are presently staying in Imphal in different localities have been left out and did not get any foodgrains or essential commodities in every distribution made in different localities since the beginning of Covid-19 pandemic cases.
In a statement the ZB said that the criteria maintained in all the Assembly Constituencies as eligible people to get foodgrains or essential commodities distributed by the Govt. are based on the condition of permanent residents of the localities with enrolment in the voter lists of the respective Assembly Constituency, holders of AAY Cards and NFSA Cards. But those citizens coming from the hills districts and staying in rented house as students in schools, colleges and universities for pursuing education through online mode classes, doing part time works, selling vegetables, engaging in different odd jobs and presently lives in Imphal as tenants in different localities are not enrolled in the voter lists neither possessed AAY Cards nor hold NFSA Cards hence they are not entitled or qualified to get foodgrains or any commodities as distributed by the Govt. The imposition of restriction of people’s movement, declaration of lockdowns and promulgation of curfews by the Govt. from time to time to monitor the pandemic situation has rendered the condition of these people to suffer at the most in this difficult and hard times.
The ZB appealed that the Govt should not target only those citizens whose names are found in the voter lists or considers those citizens who possessed AAY Cards and NFSA Cards as deserving citizen to get foodgrains or any essential commodities which are to be provided by the Govt. But the Govt. should formulate an effective mechanism or specific policy to make every citizen get equal opportunity and benefit. In fact, those citizens who are staying as tenants are the one who suffers the most at this crucial and hard times while struggling for clearance of their monthly house rent as well as trying to meet their daily requirements. The Govt. should identify and prioritise those tenants who are facing immense hardships at this hard times rather than emphasizing on citizens whose name are found in the voter lists or possessed different categorized cards. Those citizens who are staying as tenants in different localities whose names are not found in the voter lists or hold different categorized cards will continue to suffers unless the Govt. step in to address their grievances.
“No doubt every adult of the country who have attained the age of 18 years will definitely found their name enrolled in the voter lists of their respective Assembly Constituencies even if their names are not found in the voter list of their present places of their staying. To enable those temporary residents get the foodgrains or any essential commodities as provided by the Govt. at this crucial and hard time, the Govt. can collect the detail particulars including their Adhaar Cards and Voter Cards from their respective house owners or respective local clubs of different localities. After authentication and proper verification can include their names among the respective locality beneficiaries lists at the time of distribution of essential commodities or foodgrains so that they are not left out at this difficult and hard time”, The ZB said.
The Zeliangrong Baudi and its frontal organizations draw the attention of the Chief Minister and the Minister of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution (CAFPD) to ensure that every deserving citizens are not left or missed out under the Prime Minister of India ambitious scheme PMKKAY to make every citizen get foodgrains or any benefits to be provided by the Govt. at this crucial and hard times so that the scheme is implemented as per the intended objective.