With no amicable solution between the Sovakiran group of MPP and AK Sanaton group of MPP, war of words continue making uncertainty to the fate of Manipur Peoples’ Party (MPP). After the declaration of Sovakiran as President of MPP, AK Sanaton who was also elected as the president of MPP by another group stated that the election of Sovakiran was null and void and blamed him for violating the constitution of the oldest regional political party of the state. Now, Sovakiran said that the group led by AK Sanaton are shameless people and their claimed will not have any impact to the functioning of the MPP.
Sovakiran further announced the name of the new office bearers of MPP for the current term. Without giving much concerned to the claimed being made by AK Sanaton, Sovakiran now said that he will lead the party in a prosperous way.
War of words continue to haunt MPP
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