Home » Victims of extra judicial killing demands justice; staged protest

Victims of extra judicial killing demands justice; staged protest

by IT Web Admin
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Imphal, Feb 28: When Congress party leaders including chief minister Okram Ibobi is busy receiving the AICC Vice President Rahul Gandhi , who is visiting the state for election campaign, families of the victims of extra judicial killings today staged protest demanding immediate action against those responsible government officials.
Various form of protest are organized by the Extrajudicial Execution Victims Families Association Manipur (EEVFAM) at various places to award punishment to those involved in the killing of innocent people.
In the protest staged at Sekmaijin area large number of women folk shouted slogans to award punishment to Chief Minister Okram Ibobi Singh and the then SP of Imphal West Dr. AK Jhalajit. Banner decrying the misdeed of the government functionaries were used during the protest besides blocking the road for few hours.
The EEVFAM also demanded immediate repeal of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act, 1958.

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