Home » UPF condemned land dispute at Tengnoupal, calls for proper demarcation of land in the state

UPF condemned land dispute at Tengnoupal, calls for proper demarcation of land in the state

by Sh Ajit
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IT News
Imphal, Sept 28:

United Peoples’ Front, Manipur ( UPF ) expressed deep concern and termed as unfortunate the recent clash between two villages namely Aimol Chingnunghut and Aimol Khunyai under Tengnoupal District on 26th September resulting in the death of a pastor and injuries to a large number of villagers. A Press Release of the front signed by M Sunil Meitei, Asst. Secy. Publicity also urged the state authorities to look into the matter and ensure that no such avoidable incident occur again. The release further blamed the state government of failing to take up long-lasting measures to ensure that hostilities arising out of land disputes between different villages, communities and even between valley and hill communities which have claimed a number of lives and created unnecessary tensions and enmity. It also calls for carrying out widespread survey and ensure proper demarcations of the land to avoid future disputes.

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