Home » UNMM condoles

UNMM condoles

by Rinku Khumukcham
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IT News
Imphal, Dec 31,

The United NGOs mission Manipur (UNMM) expressed its deep condolence over the sudden demise of Pu Thangkhosei Haokip, KUMPIPA, Kuki Inpi  on December 28.  
UNMM said that it acknowledged and appreciated for the able leadership of the departed soul to work with us in our common journey for sustainable peace and reconciliation in Manipur.
“He was very dedicated and notable leader who always stand for honesty, integrity, hard work and welfare. He was also very genuine leader who always worked across the ethnic communities and NGOs of the state for strengthening relationship for peaceful co-existence and mutual respect among the kuki, Meitei and other.
The untimely demise of Pu Thangkhosei Haokip is not only irreparable loss to kuki community but also for the people in Manipur and North East india.

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