Home » UN DAY 2020 : “Recalling and Supporting the Founding Mission of the UN”

UN DAY 2020 : “Recalling and Supporting the Founding Mission of the UN”

by Guru Aribam Naocha
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IT Correspondent
Dimapur, Oct. 24:

Department of Political Science, Tetso College, Dimapur has successfully organized the UN DAY 2020 under the theme: “Recalling and Supporting the Founding Mission of the UN” with songs and dance, brief paper presentation, appeals/messages and speeches.
In his welcome note, Dr. Rimmei Longmei, Head of Department of Political Science welcomed and introduced the Guest Speaker, Prof. H. John Sema, Professor of Political Science and Dean of School of Social Sciences and also Dean In-charge of School of Management, Nagaland University and special invitee Dr. Hewasa Lorin, Vice Principal of Tetso College. He mentioned three developments which led to extreme international tension and conflict before mentioning about the costs of both the first and second world wars. He reminded the people that the United Nations (UN) was founded as a successor to the League of Nations on the 24th October, 1945; organized to preserve peace and give a voice to all independent sovereign nations, regardless of size and is now turning 75 and still working for world peace and security, human rights and development and social progress.
Dr. Hewasa Lorin calls for individual and collective efforts to help the UN tackle very many emerging challenges and issues before the world. She dwelled on the 17 interlinked Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or Global Goals set in in 2015 by the UN General Assembly which are intended to be achieved by the year 2030 under a UN resolution called the “2030 Agenda”. She urged everyone to come together as singular force to overcome common enemies – issues and challenges confronting us all and our world.
Prof. H. John Sema, the main speaker of the event spoke about the three main pillars of the UN Charter: Maintenance of world peace and security, human rights and development or social progress. He mentioned about the great efforts of the UN in stopping wars and improving many people’s lives since its inception. But shared his main concern that is the lack of big powers unanimity which is the most important force to for the successes of the UN. He called for big powers unanimity and unity and solidarity of the all member states of the UN. The guest speaker also spoke in length about the need for gender equality and the protection of the girl child. He said gender inequality, threats to peace and security, lack of big powers unanimity, some countries’ expansionist policy, demand for restructuring the UN and the ongoing pandemic are the serious issues facing s all today.
The remarkable event ended with the powerful message from Dr. Aniruddha Babar who urged the people of the world to unite to help the UN as the UN is us. He urged the leaders of the UN to exert enough pressure, to be firm and deal with those countries, large and small that have become expansionist and belligerent. He thanked on behalf of the Department of Political Science, college, guest speakers and others who took part in the event.

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