Home » Timely action by Assam Rifles saves Accident Victims

Timely action by Assam Rifles saves Accident Victims

by IT Web Admin
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IT News
Imphal April 4,

In a positive gesture, towards assisting civilian populace, Tulihal Battalion of   9 Sector Assam Rifles under the aegis of HQ IGAR (South) provided emergency medical treatment to victims injured in an road accident which took place along NH-02 on 03 April, thereby saving precious human lives.
At around 3 pm a two wheeler collided head on with a Maruti 800 car on NH-02 in front of the main gate of the Battalion. Two ladies coming from Oinam village on a Honda Activa lost control on the vehicle and collided with the car and sustained injuries. The Battalion immediately launched the medical team under the Regimental Medical Officer and provided prompt medical treatment at the Battalion medical room and thereafter they were referred to civil hospital.
The locals have expressed profound gratitude and appreciation for the noble gesture and prompt response of  the Assam Rifles at a crucial time to save precious lives.

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