Home » Thousands of Meira Paibis organizes massive human chain, urges Govt for a peaceful resolution

Thousands of Meira Paibis organizes massive human chain, urges Govt for a peaceful resolution

by Rinku Khumukcham
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IT News
Imphal, June 24:

In a powerful display of solidarity, approximately 2,000 Meira Paibis took to the streets of Manipur, forming a human chain that stretched from the Imphal East DC Office to Top Khongnangkhong. The gathering, organized by the Nongpok Pana Apunba Lup (NONGPAL) of Imphal East district, aimed to bring attention to the escalating violence that has plagued Manipur since May 3 and to demand immediate peace in the region.
NONGPAL, a coalition comprising twelve clubs and organizations, orchestrated the event as a call for unity and a plea for an end to the ongoing conflict. The participants also observed a solemn one-minute silence to honor the lives that have been lost and fervently prayed for the restoration of peace in Manipur.
Speaking on behalf of the Meira Paibis, Athokpam Sophia expressed their frustration, stating, “It has been more than 50 days, and we see no resolution to the current conflict. Today, we pray that the all-party meeting yields fruitful results, bringing lasting peace to Manipur and putting an end to the violence that has claimed numerous lives and caused immense destruction.”
Amidst the human chain, the gathered Meira Paibis raised their voices in unison, chanting slogans such as “Implement NRC in Manipur,” “We reject President’s rule,” and “Long Live Manipur,” among others. These slogans underscored their demands for transparency, inclusive governance, and an immediate cessation of violence.
The NONGPAL-organized event stands as a reminder that the power of unity and peaceful protest can bring about meaningful change. It is now up to the political leaders to heed the call of the Meira Paibis, engage in constructive dialogue, and work tirelessly to find a lasting solution that will restore tranquility to Manipur. The future of the state depends on the ability of all stakeholders to come together, overcome differences, and forge a path towards a brighter and more peaceful tomorrow.

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