By a Correspondent
Jamsedpur, Nov 18
The Samvaad – Tribal Conclave, 2018 which was started on 15th November, 2018 at Jamshedpur, Jharkhand has been going on in a very grand manner. This international level Samvaad is organised by Tata Steel and tribals from 25 States and 14 countries are participating in the programme. About 2,000 persons from 134 tribes are gathers everyday since 15th November and will continuer to do so till 19th November, 2018. As tribals from other parts of the country such as Orissa, West Bengal, Gujarat, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Himachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Chhatisgarh, Jharkhand, Maharashtra, Rajsthan, etc, all North Eastern States are also taking part with their folk songs, dance and tales of collective struggle, sacrifice, and success among tribal communities.
Apart from India, many tribal representatives from foreign countries like France, Indonesia, Lebenon, Taiwan, Kenya, New Zealand, South Africa, Fiji Island etc. presents their stories and experiences on tribal culture, language, identity land and forest. The programme is also fostering a shared perspertive on “Coming Together for Social Change”. Some non-tribals but experts in tribal related issues are also taking part and their expert views and framework for collective action are being constantly taken. One expert, Dr. R. Balasubramanium (Dr. Balu in short) along with Shri. Soumitra Pandey who are non-tribals are actively taking part and contributing their expertised knowledge in the programme. 6 (six) executive members from All Tribal Rights Protection Forum Manipur (ATRPFM) are participating and scheduled a meeting with the Chief of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility), Tata Steel, Shri. Sourav Roy on 18th November, 2018 for discussion of various issues confronting by the tribal communities of Manipur. ATRPFM is happy to see the zero discrimination environment in the meeting where all tribals from different States of India and abroad gathered and stand together as one family.
On 16th November, 2018 we have shared on “Tribal Culture and Identity” and ‘Land and Forest Rights on 17th November, 2018. On 19th, we would be discussing on “Tribal Perspective on Governance and Development” and on the last day we would be sharing on “Peace Building and Conflict Resolution”.
Shri. Sourav Roy is the Chief of CSR, Tata Steel and he warmly welcome all the participants on the first day of the programme where he expressed his happiniess and thanks to all participants for coming in this Samvaad. “As tribal communities from 15 countries including India are joining in this Samvaad, stories coming out from this Samvaad would be a true voices of the tribal people around the world,” said the Chief. He also said that all of us have outsanding stories, issues and tales to share and Samvaad is a safe, joyful, honest and happy place to share anything one wants. He maintained that it may be right or wrong, that doesn’t matter, you can them all. Participants from different States and countries shares their tales, stories, issues on culture, land, forest, development, etc. in the form of peoms, songs, and speeches.