IT News
Imphal, May 18:
The Helpers and Workers of Thanga Tongbram Leikai, Thanga Khoirom Leikai and Thanga Moirangthem Leikai Anganwadi Centres, under the support of ICDS Moirang Block has distributed relief materials to its beneficiaries. Maintaining the guidelines of social distancing, altogether around 50 children below six years of age, 4 pregnant women and 5 nursing mothers were benefited through a simple arrangement. One of the Anganwadi Worker shared that the current crisis of global pandemic COVID 19 and nationwide lockdown has caused great hardships to women and children and therefore any form of aid possessed great value. She also added that the increasing number of positive case in the state is a matter of concern for the marginalised communities. Finally, the Anganwadi Centres expresses gratitude towards ICDS Moirang Block, for providing the relief materials responding the hour of urgency.