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Students exposed to scientific ideas and innovations

by Jeet Akoijam
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IT News

Imphal, Oct 23

Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable Development (ISBD), an autonomous Institute of Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, organised an Open Day and Science Exposition today at its Takyelpat campus on the theme “Risen India-Research, Innovation and Science Empowering the Nation”. The Open Day and Science Exposition is being organised as a lead up to the India International Science Festival (IISF) 2019 being held at Kolkata 5-8 November 2019. The objective of the programme is to engage the public with science and celebrate the joy of science and show the ways how science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) provide us with the solutions to improve our lives.

The programme was formally opened by the Director of the Institute, Dr.Ajay Parida and mentioned that science and technology have immense potential for improving quality of life and solving several emerging problems faced by the society. More than 500 hundred college and school teachers and students from different districts of Manipur visited the institute during the programme. The students were exposed to various advanced instruments and facilities available in the institute. The ISBD scientists briefed the students on the ongoing activities related to bioresources and livelihoods.

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