Deputy Chief Minister Gaikhangam, who is also in charge of Home, today said that the state government has approached the Ministry of Home Affairs Government of India to take up the matter for repatriation of Manipur’s village headman detained in Myanmar jail with the Ministry of External Affairs.
Former headman, Winson Kamodong, (aged about 55 years) of Ramphoi (Nambisha) Village of Ukhrul District Manipur, India was arrested by Myanmar army on November 13, 2013 from a tea stall near Ongshiang Village in Myanmar and Ashang Khullen in Manipur along the Indo Myanmar border. MLA Samuel Risom while interacting with some reporters at state assembly complex said that the former village headman was a small time trader. According to him the Myanmar army arrested him on flimsy ground and can be released if the state government take up the matter with the Tamu Town Authority of Myanmar.
During question hour at the state Assembly session today Samuel Risom said that health condition of Winson Kamodong is reported serious with body parts becoming swollen. He said if the state government did not interfere and arranged his released he had to spend at the Myanmar Jail for nine years.
Replying to the question, Home Minister Gaikhangam said that as the matter is between two countries certain procedure is needed for bringing back the former village headman in India. He said the matter has already been moved to the Central Govt./MHA to take the matter with Ministry of External Affairs for his repatriation.
State Govt. approaches MHA for release of Manipur Village Headman
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