Home Ā» State Government condemns killing of innocent individuals

State Government condemns killing of innocent individuals

by Rinku Khumukcham
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IT News
Imphal, July 18:

The meeting of the legislators of the Government of Manipur held under the chairmanship of Chief Minister N. Biren Singh have taken serious note of the heinous killings of innocent individuals that have been reported in recent times. The State Government strongly condemns the killing of innocent individuals, regardless of their religion, community and gender.
It is crucial to take note that swift and efficient action taken up by the state security forces have resulted in apprehending the accused involved in these crimes, displaying a commitment to ensuring justice for the victims and their families. The State Government affirms its unwavering stance against any form of violence and discrimination.
The State Government also expresses deep concern over the blocking of highways by certain groups of individuals, as such actions undermine public safety and hinder the smooth flow of essential services and goods. It is reiterated that no individual or group should take the law into their own hands. The State Government is committed to take stern action against those involved in blocking highways which choke the lifeline of the state. All citizens are urged to respect the rule of law, refrain from taking the law into their own hands, and work together to maintain peace, harmony, and the wellbeing of society.

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