Home » SSUM thanks Manipur Govt.for handing over of Loktak scam to CBI

SSUM thanks Manipur Govt.for handing over of Loktak scam to CBI

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Imphal, July 15: Socialist Students’ Union of Manipur (SSUM) today thanks the Chied Minister N Biren. Singh led coalition government for handing over of the Loktak Lake Multi million scam to Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI).
A statement of the students’ body said that the issue has been put to the limelight since 2016 and has been demanding the government for handing over of the investigation to the CBI.  SSUM said the earlier government has been suppressing the movement for delivering justice to the people by sidig with those who loot the public money.
The new move of the new government under the leadership of Chief Minister N. Biren Singh is indeed a blessing for the common people of the state, the statement added.

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