Home » RTI activist summoned by state vigilance; but said he did not filed any case to the vigilance department

RTI activist summoned by state vigilance; but said he did not filed any case to the vigilance department

by IT Web Admin
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Imphal, April 21: Out of the blue, on April 18, 2017, Ayekpam Keshorjit Singh, son of late A Kunjo of Haobam Marak Irom Leikai received a summon (attached copy) issued by the SP of vigilance through Singjamei Police Station informing that he had filed a complaint to the SP, Vigilance. He was further informed to make himself present at the vigilance office at Imphal without fail for undergoing examination in connection with the said case registered under No.4/SP-V/2017.
The whole matter came as a surprise to Keshorjit as he had never filed any such case this year at the vigilance department. Immediately, he rushed to the vigilance office in deep suspense. There, he met a senior inspector who also turned out to be the investigating officer of the case. The same day he came to know that somebody had filed a complaint with respect to the construction work for improvement of Kwakeithel Ningthemcha Karong road by stealing his identity. 
However, when he checked the signature of his impersonator it came to light that the latter was signed as Kishorjit instead of Keshorjit. He told the IO that he had never filed the said complaint and demanded information on the identity of the complainant. The IO replied that in such cases the complaints are sent through post and the senior inspector denied his repeated request for handing over a copy of the complaint. 
There is a case pending in connection with the development of the same road as a result of an RTI application Keshorjit had filed. In its response the state Public Works Department had forward a reply maintaining that it has no knowledge of construction of the said road even though it falls under its jurisdiction. Keshorjit had filed the application on June 29, 2016 seeking the detailed information of the construction of the said road from the PWD. But on December 1, 2016, the state public information officer, PWD replied that the sanction order for the work does not exist and hence the information requested does not arise. Keshorjit submitted another RTI application to the Manipur Rural Road Development Agency seeking information on the construction of the same road claiming that proper quality control was not maintained during the execution of the work. 
Keshorjit has clarified that he is not connected with the complaint at Vigilance and in this connection he has even given a statement to the Vigilance department. However, he maintained that he is ready to lodge a complaint when enough evidences are procured. He further appealed his impersonators to contact him or a complaint will be lodged against them to police station concerned. He said if anybody wants to fight corruption, the individual should do so openly instead of impersonating other persons which could endanger the life and physical well-being of the activists working sincerely for a good cause, specially at a time when the new state government has made an announcement on its commitment to contend corruption.

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