RPF President Irengbam Chaoren greets People on occasion the 38th Raising Day of its armed wing People’s Liberation Army

Imphal, Sept 24:  President of proscribed Revolutionary Peoples’Front (RPF), Irengbam Chaoren greets the region on occasion of the 38th Raising Day of its armed wing Peoples’ Liberation Army (PLA) which is celebrating tomorrow . The outfit’s president who hardly came to the media limelight in his message deliberated the complex issues haunting the region , particularly the state of Manipur. Chaoren also convey his deepest respect to the people of the region and also paid revolutionary salute to all fighters who laid down their lives in the course of the revolutionary movement. .
The RPF President in his message stated that the people of Manipur have been reeling under lingering crises without apparent hopes to come out. 
“The time has come for us to question the pertinence of the miseries and understand those forces who are behind in the designing of our miseries”, the statement said.
 The RPF president said the kind of atrocious experiences of the people of Manipur everyday are not merely a product of Government of Manipur but a result of the deeper conspiracy and making of the New Delhi government.
Stating that the actual force of oppression is the New Delhi government which puppeteers the politics and governance in Manipur, the RPF president called on the people to understand the oppressors.  The statement said that in the name of democracy and its veil, there is a parallel militarism through which India’s hegemony over Manipur is sustained overtime. The veil of democracy and hegemony is term as a constant challenge to the aspirations of freedom.
The statement further said that the strategies of hegemony have been attempting to cause maximum damage to our revolutionary struggles. Resolute revolutionary unity is the only weapon to confront the menace of India’s hegemony. The growing solidarity and realisation on the part of several sections of Indians about the wrongful, illegal and unethical annexation of Manipur by India is an added advantage for the liberation of Manipur from India. Against the backdrop of the
opportune historical consciousness about Manipur’s rightful place in the league of independent nation-states, we must strive to harness with our collective revolutionary unity to re- regain the lost freedom of Manipur.
Liberation of a nationality materialises not in a vacuum, but in a historical lineage. Materials such as that of historicity, culture, political and economy constitute the body of a nationality. The case of Manipur is not an exception in this regard. Therefore, the struggling nationalities of the world for their self-determination are a natural phenomenon and a rightful claim. A liberation struggle which come as an anti-colonial movement locates its political objective in the uncompromising love for freedom and collective equality as the highest form of political justice. Therefore, achieving self-determination is the core of just resolution of revolutionary
liberation movement. With a long drawn history of being colonised by India, it is often pertinent to witness packages of implanted culture, economy and indoctrination of colonial values to defunct the genuine aspirations for freedom. The displacement of people from their indigenous value systems and knowledge forms have happened which in turn produced antagonising intercommunity relation and weakening of symbiotic existential worlds in Manipur. The growing weakening of inter-community relations, of being dependent on New Delhi, favour seeking behaviour, institutionalisation of corruption, urge for quotas and reservation are the consequences of India’s annexation and prolonged occupation of Manipur.
India has more than 34 lacs of drug abusers with more than 25 lacs death in the last 10 years. According to National Crime Records Bureau, India recorded at least 39,088 cases of crime against women. In the recent past, India’s criminality seem to have struck upon the people of Manipur with an apparent growth in the crime against women which otherwise is an altogether a new phenomenon. The story of drug abuse in Manipur has been a handiwork of India with evident involvement of security officials as drug cartels in the northeast India.
 The design comes as a part of India’s warfare against the people of Manipur through its malicious manipulations of several types such as ideological indoctrination of youths, alienation from knowing the realities, commodification of education, deprivation of educational rights, encouragement of anti-social forces, qualitative decline in the role of youths due to parasitic consciousness and finally misrule of the society.
The colonial education systems imposed upon the people of Manipur have only produced parasitic and dependent psychology. This has in turn led to engineering of local puppets who simply follow the dictates of New Delhi. Such colonial education systems have come to play the role of a brainwashing machine. The machine engineers serfdom of a unique kind who ultimately plays the role of delegated ruling class that acts only according to the whims of the coloniser India. Manipur has today descended into such a level of being colonised with subsequent downfall of its socio-economic and political fabric.
The commodification of education and knowledge patterns have utterly alienated the masses from acquiring a democratic rightful education. The darker side of commodification is the wholesome ruining of public educational institutions and collective failure which have led to systematic exodus of students, displacement of youths from their homelands, unemployments and severe colonial brain-drain. In other words, capitalist commodification of education and knowledge has systematically deprived the poor section of the society from acquiring basic education and rightful processes of learning. Today, education is privileged system which the rich and ‘haves’ consider as their sole prerogative. In this way, we have come to a historical stage of inequality and class based deprivation. Education of a commoditized kind has only produced degree-based learning and knowledge forms that degrade social and politics ethics. The colonial education, therefore, needs to be overhauled so that the youths and new generation could have an experience of learning their realities which in turn would instil a love for their lived-worlds, a love for their nationality.  The idea and practice of self-determination shall be possible when such a state of knowledge possibility is ensured.
On the other hand, the onus lies with the oppressed people of Manipur to actually understand that India has been conspiring to dismantle the self-sufficient economic traditions of Manipur by implanting its propagandist post-colonial developmentalism. India’s developmentalism has only sustained a false economic consciousness amongst the struggling peoples since it has tried to legitimise a sense of being unable to survive without external support and funding mechanism which India calls ‘grant-in-aid’ economic system.
The false economic premise has ruined the fertile arable lands and resources of Manipur while increasingly making Manipur a dependent economy for subsistence and food-stocks. The economic depression of Manipur has been used as an opportune moment for consolidation of India’s colonialism over Manipur. Grant-in-aid economy has dismantled the economic calibre of the Manipuris by making them a sterile collective in terms of labour and self-sustenance. One of the ways to come out of such a situation of sterility is to inculcate a work culture. A collective work culture shall be at an enhanced stage only when there are working class including peasant organisations at grassroots. The working class movement shall also be a democratic answer to the sectarian and ethnic politics while at the same time there will be movement towards increased production and economic self-reliance. This is an answer and means to stop neoliberal colonialisation of Manipur. Neo-liberalism is a capitalist proposition that aims at nonegalitarian social systems in the name of competitive market and development. Neoliberalism encourages domination by a rich few where progress and development of the poor is impossible. The sustenance of inequality and domination come a logical method for neo-liberal subjugation and deprivation of people. The neo-liberal economic policies, implanting of secret agencies, encouragement of the influx of foreign population, supplanting of local products by goods from outside and exploitation of natural resources with disastrous economic deprivation and environmental problems are all symptoms of being a colonialized society.
Such conspiring policy of India has produced puppet ruling class who are nothing more than a temporal element. However, the oppressed people of Manipur must understand to come out of such a reality bestowed upon them colonially. Each and every community in Manipur must today forbid sectional assertions for a larger cause of liberation which is possible only with a united struggle. A united vision and a collective struggle shall only bring a lasting peace and progress. We must recall the pre-colonial collective existential relations of peoples in the past that gradually formed a Manipuri identity; of people and its territoriality, known to the neighbouring countries and the world. The attempt to break up the historicity of Manipur has suddenly become a challenge to our quest for freedom with evident instigation from the government of India. The people of Manipur or for that matter any such society who are in the journey of its liberation must not fall prey to the inventions of colonial India.
In the absence of a free and self-regulative Manipuri society, the influence of the coloniser India has grown ever more only to essentialise colonial diplomacy and geo-political scramble. The danger of colonial geopolitics is such that the much hyped Look East Policy has been used as an occasion to induce India’s geo-political game plan to encounter the rise and presence of China in the Asia. Militarisation, AFSPA and counter-insurgency diplomacy are the hallmarks of India’s colonial diplomacy in the region. The northeast, which is actually a part of the South East Asian World, has become a site of colonial India’s military installation platform and a security bastion. Reflective of its geo-political strategy, India has ventured into weakening China by an overt appeasing of Tibetian movement and militaristic policy such as the formation of Special Frontier Force. However, the same respect for the liberation of WESEA region or Kashmir has not come forth. The colonial double standard of India has been even clear with its self-conflicting sloganeering for human rights issues in Myanmar, Bangladesh, Baluchistan, Gilgit-Baltistan and Sri Lanka on the one hand.
India is equally involved in unleashing human rights violations in WESEA region and Kashmir. Last but not the least, with the growing solidarity and support of international community, the struggling oppressed people of Manipur must make a historical move to liberate itself from the colonial yoke of India. A united and collective struggle of the oppressed people in the state of Manipur in particular and WESEA in general can bring about a complete revolution.

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