Home » Rebel group shuts fourteen restaurants for indulging in illegal flesh trade

Rebel group shuts fourteen restaurants for indulging in illegal flesh trade

by Rinku Khumukcham
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Rebel group shuts fourteen restaurants for indulging in illegal flesh trade

IT News
Imphal, Sept 18:

Armed rebel group the Kangleipak Communist Party has shut down fourteen restaurants opened at various places in Tiddim Road for directly indulging in illegal flesh trade and also for accommodating youths in immoral activities inside the so-called restaurants. Among the 14 restaurants, 6 were found to have separate secret rooms with beds for committing illegal activities on payments of money.
The army wing of the KCP, MeeyamgiFingangLanmi (MFL) summoned all the owners of the 14 restaurants and warned them of serious consequences if they failed to close their restaurants all the time.
The said restaurants shut down by the MLF of the KCP are Khuman Cafe, Mesey Cafe, Shekhar Sager Cafe, NungsiPanthung, KhoirifabaKhuman Cafe, Mukta Cafe, Lilly Cafe, Lovely Cafe, Standard Cafe, Konu Cafe, Leikol Cafe, Western Cafe, Magic Cafe and Ranjita Café located at various locations in Tiddim roads.

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