Home » Prof. Pandey  challenges all orders or leave extension by authority of Manipur University as per the advice of MHRD

Prof. Pandey  challenges all orders or leave extension by authority of Manipur University as per the advice of MHRD

by IT Web Admin
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Says he have resumed office of the VC by opening a new office at his quarter

IT News

Imphal, Sept 4,

The dust which was felt settled at Manipur University is whirling again with potential of a hurricane like situation as Prof. AP Pandey today said that he had resumed the office of the Manipur University and that he can’t accept any kind of leave by any authority below his rank.

The controversial VC of Manipur University, which had put all the University community to rise against him putting all academic activities on halt for over 85 days said that he had not received any orders or communication from the Ministry of Human Resource and Development (MHRD) regarding his leave. However, he said that all the information are being received through social networking site.

In press conference held today at his official quarter located at Sanjenthong, Officers’ colony Prof. Pandey said that he is ready to face any kind of enquiry of the highest level but he cannot accept the enquiry committee constituted by the MHRD alleging that the Chairman of the Committee is a close relative of a members of the teachers’ association of the Manipur University.

Yesterday Registrar in Charge of the Manipur University Prof. Sh. Doren Singh had issued an order extending leave of the VC Prof. AP Pandey from September 1 till the completion of the enquiry which has been constituted by the MHRD. The official order of the Registrar of Manipur University reads-

“Whereas, as per the advice of the MHRD dated 2nd August 2018 Prof. Adya Prasad Pandey, Vice-Chancellor of Manipur University, had been granted leave for a period of 30 days w.e.f.2nd August 2018.

And, whereas, the Joint Secretary, Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India (GOI) has intimated that the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) signed by Joint Secretary, MHRD, GOI, Commissioner (Hr. & Tech Edn.) Government of Manipur and Presidents of Manipur University Students Union (MUSU), Manipur University Staff Association (MUSU) and Manipur University Teachers Association (MUTA) in presence of the Hon’ble CM, Manipur and his Council of Ministers has been approved in toto by the Hon’ble Minister, Human Resource Development, GOI, vide his email of August 18, 2018.

And, whereas, Clause D of the MOA reads as “That, during the period of inquiry and until follow up action taken on the inquiry report by the competent authority, preferably within a period of 15 days, Prof. A.P. Pandey will be on leave.”

And, whereas, para 5 of the Orders No.33-6/2018-CU-IV dated 17.08.2018 issued by the Under Secretary, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of Higher Education, Government of India, states “The Inquiry Committee shall submit its report within one month from the date of issue of the order i.e. 17.08.2018.”

Now, therefore, in continuation of the earlier Office Order No.MU/VC/1 dated 02.08.2018, Office Memorandum No. MU/VC/02 dated 21.08.2018 and Office Order No.213/MU/VC/02 dated 30.08.2018, the leave of Prof. Adya Prasad Pandey, Vice-Chancellor, Manipur University has been extended w.e.f. 01.09.2018 until the completion of the inquiry proceeding against him and until the necessary follow up action is taken on the inquiry report by the competent authority.

This order is issued with the approval of the Chancellor, Manipur University.”

Prof. AP Pandey bullshitted the official order issued on the advice of the MHRD. In today’s press meet he said how could a person below his rank issued order for his leave.

The press conference sparks another flames to the already burning issue over the power and functioning of the Manipur University authority.

Former in charge Registrar Prof. M. Shyamkesho had also yesterday issued a notice saying that he is still the registrar of the Manipur University.

The notice by Prof. Shyamkesho said that  Prof. Sh. Dorendajit Singh is no more Registrar (i/c) of Manipur University by referring the MHRD letter NO. F.NO.33-6/2018 C.U.IV, Dated 24-08-2018.

The letter by the MHRD was however put on hold after the intervention of the Chief Rector, the Governor of Manipur.

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