To an embarrassment to the RTI activist of the State, Principal Secretary (Home) Dr. Suresh Babu has stated that the Manipur Police Department is exempted from the purview of the Right to Information Act. The written statement of the Principal Secy. was given in regard to the series of question sought by three candidates who had appeared for the selection test of Assistant and Sub-Inspector of Police in Manipur Police Department conducted in December, 2010.The written statement of the Principal Secretary Dr. Suresh Babu said, “The State Government vide Notification No. 11/4/2005-AR dated 15th October, 2005 and 25th October, 2005 had indeed exempted the Manipur Police Department from the purview of Right to information Act, 2005 in exercise of power conferred to the State Government by Sub-Section (4) of section 24 of the Act.Hence the Information sought by the three candidates are not provided.The three candidate, RK. Prabir Singh, Sanasam Sunil Singh and Yambem Bipin Singh were seeking the following information under the RTI Act, 2005.(i) A copy of the marks obtained by the selected candidates of Assistant Sub-Inspector of Police(male/civil) in Manipur Police Department for the written test which was held on 31st December, 2010.(ii) A copy of the certified copies/Xerox copies of the answer sheet for the written test Assistant Sub-Inspector of Police(male/civil) in Manipur Police Department i/r of 315 selected candidates.(iii) A copy of the certified copies/ Xerox copies of the answer sheets of the following candidates:-(a) R.K. Prabir singh s/o R.K. Jnanranjan Singh of Yaiskul, Moirangkhom Sana Khwai Yaima Kollup, Imphal West Chest No. 742 (I/W).(b) Sanasam Sushil Singh, S/o S. Yaima Singh of Mongshangei Boroimakhong, Imphal West, Chest No. 173 (I/W).(c) Yambem Bipin Singh S/o Y. Ibopishak Singh of Nagamapal Kangjabi Leirak Meinam Leikai, Imphal West, Chest No. 774.(iv) A copy of the certified copies / Xerox copies the answer sheet of the candidate securing the lowest mark in the aforesaid written test.(v) A copy of the certified copies of the question paper of the aforesaid written test.(vi) A copy of the certified copies/Xerox copies of the marks obtained in the viva-voce test of all the candidates who faced the viva-voce test for the recruitment of the above-mentioned posts 22-5-2013 to 27-5-2013.(vii) A copy of the certified copies/Xerox copies of the marks obtained by all the successful candidates and the present applicants in the physical efficiency test of Imphal West District held from July 27, 2010 onwards.
Principal Secretary Home says Manipur Police Department is exempted from the purview of RTI
1 comment
The above mentioned Sub section 4, of Section 24 is quote below:
“(4) Nothing contained in this Act shall apply to such intelligence and security organisation being organisations established by the State Government, as that Government may, from time to time, by notification in the Official Gazette, specify:
Provided that the information pertaining to the allegations of corruption and human rights violations shall not be excluded under this sub-section:
Provided further that in the case of information sought for is in respect of allegations of violation of human rights, the information shall only be provided after the approval of the State Information Commission and, notwithstanding anything contained in section 7, such information shall be provided within forty-five days from the date of the receipt of request.”
Remarks: The above mentioned State Government Notification no.11/4/2005-AR, dated 15th October, 2005 and 25th October 2005, indeed may exempted Home Department for Security and Intelligent related information, but not the information pertaining to allegation of corruption and human rights violations. The questions sought by Applicants were on recruitment and selection process for the post of ASI. Therefore, as the reply of the PIO is not satisfactory, applicants can appeal to first Appellate Authority (Rank higher than the PIO) within 30 days from the reply of PIO. If, the reply is not satisfactory from first appeal, you can file complaint to State Information Commission (Chief Information Officer), but, unfortunately, Government of Manipur has not appointed anyone for the post of CIOs for last 2-3 years.