Home » Positive case of coronavirus reaches 30 in India

Positive case of coronavirus reaches 30 in India

by Raju Vernekar
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IT News
Mumbai, March 6

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A middle aged man from Ghaziabad with a recent travel history to Iran has tested positive for novel coronavirus, taking the total number of such cases in India to 30 even as the government on Thursday asked states to form rapid response teams at district, block and village levels.
The total number of people tested positive for coronavirus (Covid-19) in India is now at 30, which include the first three cases reported from Kerala where students were diagnosed with the infection, treated and discharged. Hence there are only 27 active cases of the virus in country at the moment.
The three cases reported from Delhi-NCR, two being that of a person,who recently travelled to Italy and another person who returned from Iran, have been included in this list of 30 patients.  In addition, six acquaintances of the Delhi-based man with a travel history of Italy have tested positive for Covid-19. One positive case a techie, who returned from Dubai, to Hyderabad, Telangana has also been reported. The single largest report of individuals being infected with the virus has come to light from Rajasthan where 16 Italian tourists and their Indian driver tested positive for the coronavirus. ( 14 patients shifted to Medanta Hospital in Gurgaon, two admitted to Sawai Madhavsingh Hospital, Jaipur).
On Thursday, a man from Ghaziabad who recently visited Iran was diagnosed with a confirmed case of Covid-19 taking the total number of individuals tested positive for the virus to 30. Concerned officials have maintained that all of the infected individuals are stable and under constant observation. Authorities are also running against time to establish a thread of people the infected individuals might have come in contact with.
A total of 6,49,452 passengers have been screened at airports across the country from 6,550 flights as of March 5. In addition to this, 29,607 people have been kept under the Integrated Disease Surveillance Program (IDSP) to prevent the curb of the coronavirus.
Two suspected cases of the virus from Telangana tested negative at the National Institute of Virology (NIV) in Pune(Maharashtra).

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