Home » Police demand cash from accident victim’s wife

Police demand cash from accident victim’s wife

by Rinku Khumukcham
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Police demand cash from accident victim’s wife

IT News
Imphal, May 22:

Ngangbam Reva of Loitang Sandum met a severe accident that has left her husband unable to work. The incident occurred at Chumbrei Thong, IGAR South, where her husband was struck by a vehicle. Despite their hopes for compassion and assistance from those involved in the accident, the family has received no support. Her husband suffered multiple broken bones and lost several teeth due to the collision. The injuries have rendered him incapable of working, leaving the family in a precarious financial situation.
“We are poor people. I thought they would help us out of humanity, but they did not do anything,” said Reva in an emotional statement to the press. In an effort to cover the mounting medical expenses, Ngangbam Reva has been forced to borrow money from various sources, further indebting her family. To add to their woes, the Heingang police have impounded their vehicle, demanding fees that Reva cannot afford to pay.
“I don’t have any money, so I cannot take the vehicle from Heingang police. They did not give me my vehicle,” she explained. The financial strain has compelled Reva to take drastic measures to ensure her family’s survival. “I have to feed my children, so I used to work as a laborer. Now, I am a street vendor at the market,” she shared, highlighting the harsh realities of their day-to-day struggle. The family’s appeal for help is a desperate cry for assistance. They are seeking any support that can be provided during this trying time.

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