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Onil draws UN’s attention on NE issues

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Imphal, Sept 16: Human Rights Activist Kshetrimayum Onil, Lead Coordinator of Reachout drew the attention of Human Rights Council, United Nations regarding the situations of Dalits in mainland India, mongoloids races in North Eastern region of India and other minorities in India.
Addressing the 30th Regular Session of Human Rights Council held at Geneva (Switzerland) from 14 September – 2 October 2015, Onil gave a statement under the general debate of Item 2, agenda Annual Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and Reports of the Office of the High Commissioner and the Secretary-General.
“Our organization request the Office of the High Commissioner for the commendable work he has been doing under the able leadership of the honorable High Commissioner. The exercise of the High Commissioner is tedious process to bring out the key factors of gross human rights violation across the countries though largely unaddressed issues against the minorities in India remain unreported in the report,” reads the statement given by Onil.
He also informed the President of the Council that although there is a huge regime of human rights available for the promotion and protection of human rights but “we witness more miseries and conflicts around the globe. Despite of several forum to address the issues but due to the one sided cycle of international players and superpowers, issues were dealt differently rather than holistic approach of one human kind. As human rights commissioner has rightly pointed out in case of certain situation the failure of international community to stop the human rights violence and also the scarcity of resources and hostile conditions for the civil society by the governments in different situations.”
Expressing displeasure over the exclusion of issues being faced by Dalits in mainland India and mongoloid races in North Eastern states of India, he also urged the Human Rights Commissioner to include in its report.
“The discrimination and racism faced by these minorities is abysmally in dire situation since independence India. Your special attention would be deeply appreciated to reach out the values of human rights in the country,” he said.
In this session there are at least 10 participants from India. Another participant from Manipur namely Irom Singhjit Singh also addressed the session.

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