Home » One day discussion on justice for Th Rabina and Ch. Sanjit

One day discussion on justice for Th Rabina and Ch. Sanjit

by IT Web Admin
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The Working Committee of the Apunba Lup organized a one day discussion on justice for the brutal Killing of Th Rabina and Ch. Sanjit at Lamyanba Shanglen today. The program was moderated by Yumnam Rupachandra- Chief Editor of Impact TV. Senior advocate Khaidem Mani said that the state government might not want to hand over the investigation of the Khwairamband fake encounter case as there will be custodial Investigation and it will be a huge burden to the senior officer of the police or state government those whose names had been mentioned in the recent confession of head constable Th. Herojit.
Nonglei Leima- co-Convenor of the JAC against the brutal killing of Rabina said that the JAC is prepared to work and to follow the people’s movement to get justice for the killing of Sanjit and Rabina. She further added that the JAC of Rabina would not dissolve and would wait for the conclusion of the CBI investigation. The issue of Rabina and Sanjit is not only about the justice for them will be the icebreaker for all those fake encounter cases that are still awaiting a fair investigation and justice. A number of prominent personalities also spoke on the issued and shared their views during the discussion.

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