Home Ā» Of the total vaccination session plan, 187 centers could not be held

Of the total vaccination session plan, 187 centers could not be held

by Rinku Khumukcham
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IT News
Imphal, May 29:

According to a report prepared by the state authority dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic, the total number of Session Plan for Covid vaccination centers starting from January 16 to May 28 is 6,573 with a target population of 5,31,140 people. The data made available to media shows that the session plan could only be held at 6386, which means, Vaccination could not be held at 187 vaccination centers. As per the report, the total number of people who got first dose vaccination is 3,75,518 people and 80,063 people got the 2nd doses. So as per the data number of people so far vaccinated is 4,55,581 people.
When the target population for the vaccination prepared by the Health Department authority was 5,31,140 people the department could only vaccinate just 4,55,581 people. This is an indication of the incompetency character of the State Health Department authority.
If one goes to a deeper look, it can be easily found that at each CVC center, just 71 persons are being vaccinated on average. At some center, the total number of people got jab with covid vaccine cross 4 digits and at one center, the number was just 3.
Interestingly, each of the vaccination teams assigned at each CVC comprises at least 5 employees.
Taking the case of Thoubal district the vaccination session planned was 10 and vaccination was held at all the plan sessions on May 28. However, the target for that day was 207 people only. That means at each center at least 20 people are targeted with a manpower of 100 employees. The total achievement was however reached, with 196 giving the first dose and another 11 given the 2nd dose.

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