Imphal, July 14: North East Dialogue Forum (NEDF) is writing with deep concern over the destruction of human inhabitation, agricultural land, other wildlife, etc, due to sudden release of water from the Ranganadi Hydro Power Plant in Arunachal Pradesh on 9th July 2017. The forum expressed unhappy over NEEPCO or any of the concern authority’s failure to issue prior notice to the people inhabited in the downstream and who are vulnerable to flood since the past many years. “ This is grave violation human right violation especially Art 21 of the Indian Constitution committed by NEEPCO. Because of such illegal and irresponsible action of NEEPCO’s management 11 persons lost their lives and one is still missing. Thousand of domestic animals were wash away. “This the violation of ILO Convention 107, International Covenant on Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (United Nations CERD) which has to insure Free, Prior, Inform Consent of the affected people. NEEPCO also violate the UN mandate of the Special Rapporteur on Housing, Special Rapporteur on Right to Food etc.” Kh. Phajaton Mangang, Coordinator, NEDF said in a press statement. The NEDF has been urging concern ministry to conduct indebt study like the Social Impact Assessment, Human Rights Impact Assessment and the Environment Impact Assessment, cumulative impact assessment of both in the Upstream and the Downstream prior to the commissioned of any dam in the North East region. The release of water from the Ranganadi Hydro Power Plant by destructing the human inhabitation and the others clearly proved that no such indebt study had been conducted, the Forum added. Thousands of people are made homeless by the constructions of big dams in the name of development in Assam and Arunachal Pradesh and the north east in general. The forum urges to provide immediate protection to the affected people by providing food, safe drinking water, health, education, sanitation, accommodation, etc. and provide compensation to the victims’ families immediately to the Government of Arunachal Pradesh and NEEPCO. It also demanded review of the Ranganadi Hydro Power Plant and Pare Hydro Electric Power Project including DPR, EIA, Social, and Environmental, human right impact assessment reports of these projects by establishing a committee where dam and human right activists is member at the earliest
NEDF blames govt. and NEEPCO for sudden release of water at Ranganadi Hydro Power
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