Home » MSAD condemns the Indian armed forces’ barbaric massacre of the working-class

MSAD condemns the Indian armed forces’ barbaric massacre of the working-class

by Rinku Khumukcham
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IT News
Imphal, Dec 06:

The Manipuri Students’ Association Delhi (MSAD) called the killing of the 13 Naga working class coal miners in the border of Mon district of Nagaland as barbaric act of the Indian Armed Forces
“This act of barbarity from the Indian armed forces shows their nature of operation in the Northeast. For more than 70 years, the Indian military’s presence in the region has become a catalyst in suppressing the political and historical aspirations of the Nagas in particular and the entire north-eastern region in general”, the MSAD statement said.
It added that the presence of Armed security forces in the region has brought pain and suffering to the people, and MSAD took the brutal act as a continued practice of inflicting pain and grief to the entire people.
Although, since 1997 the agreement of the so called “cease fire” with the Naga armed insurgent political groups has been there, India still fails to repeal AFSPA. Under the curtain of AFSPA, the Indian armed forces exercise the killings of innocent civilians and rape of our sisters and mothers. The unwillingness to bring peace in the region only exposes India’s lack of political will to address the Naga’s historical demand for right to self-determination.
MSAD expressed strong condemnation to the murderous cruelty of the Indian armed forces. “Saturday’s massacre of innocent civilians has opened the wounds of the Nagas again. Therefore, we demand an end to militarization of the region, and strongly voice out to repeal AFSPA”, the MSAD said.

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