Manipur Pradesh Trinamool Congress Party has withdrawn the disqualification proceeding against three MLAs – Kh Joykishan, O, Lukhoi and Thongam Biswajit after their suspension orders from the party membership has been revoked today.
An order for revocation of the suspension order was issued today by MLA Shyamkumar, President of the Manipur Pradesh Trinamool Congress. Following the revocation of the suspension order the Party president has urged the Speaker of the Manipur Legislative Assembly to drop away the case for disqualification against the three MLAs as the party has withdrawn the case.
The order issued by MLA Shyamkumar, president of the Manipur Pradesh Trinamool Congress says, “Consequent upon the instruction of the Party High Command and on the recommendation of the Executive Committeee Meeting held on the 4th Dec. 2014 regarding the revocation of the suspension order in respect of Kh. Joykishan Singh, MLA, 9-Thangmeiband A/C , O Lukhoi Singh, MLA 22-Wangoi A/C and Thongam Bishwajit Singh, MLA, 5-Thonju A/C, the President MPTCC is pleased to revoke the suspension order with immediate effect in the interest of strengthening of party.”
The order further said that henceforth the disqualification proceedings against them is withdrawn straight way and also added that the Speaker of the Manipur Legislative Assembly may please be arranged to comply with the order.
After the revocation of the suspension order MLA Shyamkumar has appointed Kh. Joykishan as the working president while MLA Bishwajit and MLA O Lukhoi have been appointed as the vice presidents of the MPTCC.
Mention may be made that, President of the MPTCC , MLA Th Shyamkumar had filed a disqualification case against the three MLAs at the Tribunal of the Manipur Legislative Assembly and the hearing of the case has been reserved with the Speaker of the tribunals.
When inquired about the relevant of the new development to the source close to Manipur State Legislative Assembly, it has been stated that the order has nothing to do with the ongoing proceeding at the Speakers’ tribunal.
“ The hearing of the case has been reserved with the Speaker of the Manipur Legislative Assembly and the new order for revocation of their suspension and the appeal arrangement of a way to withdraw the case cannot influence the ruling of the speaker which is likely to declare soon”, the source said.
MPTC withdraws disqualification proceeding against MLA Joykishan, MLA Lukhoi and MLA Biswajit
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