Home » Monetary help to 11 years old cancer patient

Monetary help to 11 years old cancer patient

by IT Web Admin
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Imphal, Oct 3: A group of people who formed a group call Siroi Lily Global Family at Social networking site Wahtsapp had extended monetary help to 11 years old cancer patient undergoing treatment at Dr. B. Borooah Cancer Institute, Guwahati.
Eleven years old Tina is the daughter of Khaidem Madan and Khaidem Ongbi Gunamani of Lamlai Awang leikai in Imphal East. Her left leg had been amputated because of the deadly disease.
A sum of Rs. 32,000 were contributed from member of Siroi Lily Global Family Whatsapp group.  An organistaion call Helping Hands for People (HHP), Manipur have been extending all possible help for the treatment of the 11 years old girl. The money was handed over to the president of the Helping Hands for People, Premjit. Editor of naharolgi Thoudang Khoirom Loyalakpa and other member so of the Siroy Lilly group were attended while handing over the money.

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