Home » MLA Loken decries transfer of employees for not supporting in election

MLA Loken decries transfer of employees for not supporting in election

by IT Web Admin
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Imphal, July 21: Congress MLA N. Loken Singh today pour out his anger over the new BJP led state government over transfer of government employees for not supporting to them during the last state assembly election. Speaking during the general discussion hour on Budget Estimate today, MLA N. Loken said that some candidate who had defeated in the election are now lobbying the council of ministers for transfer and posting of government employees for not supporting them in the last state assembly election. He said some good works are notice to the action of some Ministers but the government cannot be praised for one good Minister as the government is suppose to be run by a collective leadership of the council of Ministers.
“It seems like there is lack of co-ordination among the council of ministers as anybody is doing anything of his desire. Loken was referring to the failure of the new BJP led government, supported by some other political parties, in giving a and also to draft a vision documents.

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