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Members raised questions pertaining to various development issues during assembly session

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IT News
Imphal, July 18:  The sixth day of the ongoing state assembly session saw a number of members putting up questions pertaining to a wide range of issues regarding the various development works being implemented or scheduled to be implemented in the state. Answering to a starred question put up by MLA Samuel Risom regarding the completion date of the Sports Complex at Pakshi Ground and Tangkhul Naga Long ground Ukhrul, it was disclosed that the ongoing work is targeted to be complete by December 2014. Another query regarding the number of CCTVs installed in Imphal Municipal area and their present condition by MLA Joykishan revealed that 155 nos. are presently installed of which only 42 are working while 133 of these CCTVs are not functional. Another question by MLA L. Nandakumar revealed that ‘44.14 Crores and ‘44.00 Crores were respectively allocated under SPA programme in respect of Flood Control of IFCD for the year 2012-13 and 2013-14 respectively, out of which payments for SPA 2012-13 was made in two stages: October 2013 and March 2014 while payment for SPA 2013-14 was made partly during June 2014. It was also clarified in an answer that no license has been issued by the Imphal Municipal Council to any animal slaughter house within Imphal Municipal area till date. It was also revealed there has not been any proposal received by the Finance Department for promotion of Sub-Inspectors to Inspectors for Excise Department. The Finance Minister, replying to another query replied that 6 out of a total of 13 works sanctioned under 13th Finance Commission for Border Area Development have been completed while materials for three of the works have been procured and the remaining four is poised to begin at the earliest. He also revealed that Manipur Development Society will be the implementing agency of the works. Minister for CAF & PD, replying to a query stated that sugar and wheat is being distributed as items under PDS in the state. Works Minister also stated in his reply to a question that compensation will be paid to the affected villages/tribals for structures affected, community owned structures and utilities, and loss of livelihood sources during the project for construction of roads from Thoubal to Kasom Khullen in Ukhrul and from Bishnupur to Tupul village. The compensation is to be paid as per the approved “Resettlement and Indigenous Peoples Plan” prepared by the Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region (MdoNER) for Asian Development Bank (ADB).

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