Momnu Erik Khombi Lup (MEEKHOL) today observes its 11th Foundation Day at Utra Sanglen San Konung Imphal. Dr. Keisham Bheigyachandra, Social Activist, Talem Meekoi Leima, President, Ayangleima Women Welfare Association and NG. Janaki Leima President, MEEKHOL graced the occasion as dignitaries. In her key note address general secretary of MEEKHOL, Mutum Nirmala Leima elaborated on ideology of the organisation. She said the organisation came into being with hope to bring a solution to the chaotic nature of our society. She said the need to preserve our cultural identity, traditions and also to safeguard the morals of the people of the state has compelled the likeminded people of the state to form the organisation.
MEEKHOL observes 11th Foundation Day
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